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Main description:
Publication of a research article can be a defining moment in a researcher's career. However, the steps involved in turning an initial research question into a published article can be a long and arduous journey. To aid in this process, Professional Writing in Kinesiology and Sports Medicine was developed to serve as a comprehensive writing guide for research professionals and students who are looking to improve their academic writing skills.
Dr. Mark Knoblauch and his 15 contributors developed Professional Writing in Kinesiology and Sports Medicine to focus around the area of manuscript development and presentation, while also including chapters that outline the foundational concepts of professional writing, developing a research grant, and the journal selection process. Each chapter is written by content experts who bring a wealth of experience not only from their own academic writing but also from having spent countless hours helping students become better, more effective writers.
Many textbooks have been written that focus on development of the research manuscript itself, but what sets Professional Writing in Kinesiology and Sports Medicine apart is that it includes so much more to aid writers in their process.
What you can find inside:
* Examination of ancillary aspects associated with academic research such as poster and oral presentations
* How to choose the most effective journal
* How to deal with the stress of writing
* How to write an effective grant
Professional Writing in Kinesiology and Sports Medicine covers those topics and more, with the intent of providing a thorough, practical writing guide that spans the breadth of the research manuscript development, writing, and presentation process. Throughout the textbook, sample writings and cases relevant to the fields of kinesiology and sports medicine are used to provide the reader relevant, applicable examples to help improve their own writing.
About the Editor
Contributing Authors
Chapter 1 How Writing Conveys Thought
Patrick O. McKeon, PhD, ATC, CSCS
Chapter 2 Developing a Strong Outline
Mitzi S. Laughlin, PhD, LAT, ATC
Chapter 3 Choosing the Right Word
Melissa Long, EdD, LAT, ATC, PES, LMT, CMT
Chapter 4 Basic Sentence Structure
Jon Gray, EdD
Chapter 5 Paragraph Design
Mitzi S. Laughlin, PhD, LAT, ATC
Chapter 6 Selecting a Journal and Navigating the Author's Guide
Mark Knoblauch, PhD, LAT, ATC, CSCS
Chapter 7 Creating the "Hook": Drafting an Effective Title and Abstract
Mark Knoblauch, PhD, LAT, ATC, CSCS and Josh Yellen, EdD, LAT, ATC
Chapter 8 Writing an Effective Research Paper
Craig R. Denegar, PhD, PT, ATC, FNATA and
Jay Hertel, PhD, ATC, FACSM, FNATA
Chapter 9 Writing an Effective Case Report
Laura Kunkel, EdD, LAT, ATC, PES
Chapter 10 Matching Your Writing to the Individual Section of the Research Paper
Rehal Bhojani, MD, FAAFP, CAQSM
Chapter 11 Grant Writing
Thomas Lowder, PhD
Chapter 12 Presenting Results Via Poster
Sarah A. Manspeaker, PhD, LAT, ATC
Chapter 13 Presenting Work Via PowerPoint
Jennifer M. Medina McKeon, PhD, ATC, CSCS
Chapter 14 Issues in Scientific Writing
Jeff G. Konin, PhD, ATC, PT, FACSM, FNATA and
Elisabeth C. Rosencrum, PhD, NH-LAT, ATC, CSCS
Chapter 15 Easing the Stress of Writing
Luzita Vela, PhD, LAT, ATC
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: December, 2018
Pages: 300
Weight: 454g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Sports Medicine