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Psychosocial Elements of Physical Therapy
The Connection of Body to Mind
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Main description:

Physical therapists know that their patients are more than just a list of symptoms. They are people first, often with a complex mix of medical and psychiatric circumstances, who may receive a wide range of care from a team of professionals. Keeping this in mind, Psychosocial Elements of Physical Therapy: The Connection of Body to Mind is both a textbook and a clinical resource for physical therapist students and clinicians practicing in any patient population with psychological concerns or disorders.

Inside, Dr. Hannah Johnson provides an essential introduction of psychosocial concepts, general treatment approaches for culturally sensitive care, and selected classes of mental illness as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5). A complete review of the current research and evidence base provides students a strong foundation to build their careers on, but can also act as a crash-course in the most recent literature for the busy clinician.


Clear, concise language and layout for efficient learning
Application-based review questions
Real world case studies to apply critical thinking skills
Evidence-based practical tests and measures
Vocabulary terms that facilitate interdisciplinary teamwork

Psychosocial Elements of Physical Therapy: The Connection of Body to Mind provides physical therapist students and clinicians with an efficient yet comprehensive guide to helping patients with psychological concerns or disorders.



About the Author


Chapter 1 Maintaining the Clinician's Therapeutic Presence

Chapter 2 The Interdisciplinary Team/Interprofessional Team

Chapter 3 Cultural Competence

Chapter 4 General Treatment Information and Resources

Chapter 5 Background Information on Mental Illness

Chapter 6 Anxiety Disorders

Chapter 7 Depressive Disorders

Chapter 8 Bipolar Disorders

Chapter 9 Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders

Chapter 10 Personality Disorders

Chapter 11 Dementias: Neurocognitive Disorders

Chapter 12 Substance Use Disorders

Chapter 13 Chronic Pain and Illness

Chapter 14 Caregiving, Domestic Violence, Abuse, and Neglect

Appendix A: Acronyms

Appendix B: Glossary

Appendix C: Tests and Measures



ISBN-13: 9781630915537
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: August, 2018
Pages: 296
Weight: 612g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Counselling & Therapy, Nursing, Physiotherapy


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