Published September, 2022
By A. Ramija Bee
Publisher: Academica Press
Availability: Available
By A. Ramija Bee
Publisher: Academica Press
Availability: Available
The primary objective of this book is to explore the causes and consequences of being a surrogate, the motivation and negotiation factors, and the social, economic, and gender issues encountered during and after procreation.
Both nuclear energy advocates and nuclear energy opponents try to manipulate society by providing incomplete or incorrect information about nuclear energy. This volume provides readers with objective information about both the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy and explains many common myths about it.
Published July, 2022
By Utpal Bhadra
Publisher: Academica Press
Rating: 1.00
Availability: Available
By Utpal Bhadra
Publisher: Academica Press
Rating: 1.00
Availability: Available
Focuses on the modern medicines of microRNA-based early diagnostic and therapy development, and works as a hidden treasure for drug discovery of multiple rare diseases worldwide. The book offers indispensable learning materials for researchers and students, and offers a powerful practical guide for RNA-Pharma and gene therapy industries.
The face circulates through most things of this world: anything that has presence, that presents itself, that has a front, a surface, an appearance, an aspect, a reputation, or honor has a face. Philosopher Marty Roth pursues considerations of the human face in art, literature, philosophy, and other manifestations of human culture.
Published October, 2021
By James P. Driscoll
Publisher: Academica Press
Availability: Available
By James P. Driscoll
Publisher: Academica Press
Availability: Available
Provides an unsparing critique of what author James Driscoll calls the 'Drug Testing, Licensing, and Marketing Complex', or DTLM. Quietly dominating America's healthcare industry, the DTLM poses threats comparable in magnitude, if not in character, to those of the Military-Industrial Complex.
Published September, 2021
By Marguerite Bouvard and Marguerite Guzman Bouvard
Publisher: Academica Press
Availability: Available
By Marguerite Bouvard and Marguerite Guzman Bouvard
Publisher: Academica Press
Availability: Available
The effects on society of the Covid-19 pandemic have been comprehensive and affected every walk of life. Marguerite Bouvard offers the first book-length study of the pandemic's impact on one of the most vulnerable groups - front line medical workers - charged with caring for the sick and providing general health and welfare.
Published May, 2021
By Michael J. Manyak, Joyce M. Johnson and Warren J. Young
Publisher: Academica Press
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
By Michael J. Manyak, Joyce M. Johnson and Warren J. Young
Publisher: Academica Press
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
In today's world, we must all be ready and informed about medical and security issues while traveling. Combining the expertise of three experts in travel, health and safety, Lizard Bites & Street Riots is a compact resource certain to save lives, increase comfort, and generate peace of mind; besides which, it is a mighty exciting read.
Published February, 2021
By James Driscoll
Publisher: Academica Press
Availability: Available
By James Driscoll
Publisher: Academica Press
Availability: Available
In this extraordinary history, James Driscoll reveals the untold story of how AIDS activists, by thwarting bureaucratic plans imposed by the US Federal Drug Administration (FDA), both saved HIV patients and rescued the FDA itself from a self-inflicted public health catastrophe.
In this first book-length consideration of the Covid-19 pandemic's implications, Jose Martinez lays bare the social changes that we should expect from the nouvel coronavirus, which has upended American life. A vital theme of his critique is how inequality already entrenched in American society may worsen due to large-scale economic disruption.
Published September, 2020
By James P. Driscoll and James Driscoll
Publisher: Academica Press
Availability: Available
By James P. Driscoll and James Driscoll
Publisher: Academica Press
Availability: Available
The commentaries James Driscoll offers in Jung's Cartography of the Psyche are helpful for applying Jung to literature, philosophy, religion, the political domain, and other aspects of the human experience. They comprise an introduction and guide that demonstrates Jung's scope and depth as well as the rewards of studying him further.