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Published February, 2007
By John Burton
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Available
This book is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Hypnotic Language, ISBN 1899836357. In this new volume the author provides more depth and also elaborates on the concepts that comprise hypnotic language.

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Published February, 2007
By William C. Wester and Laurence Sugarman
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Examines the wide-ranging applications and promise of the use of hypnosis with children and adolescents. This title reviews the concepts, developmental considerations, approaches to induction, hypnotic ability, hypnosis with families and ethical considerations.

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Published January, 2007
By Judith E. Pearson
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Available
The Weight, Hypnotherapy and YOU Weight Reduction Program: An NLP and Hypnotherapy Practitioner's Manual gives practitioners a complete, fully-scripted, ready-to-use weight reduction program that addresses the epidemic problem of obesity in adults.

Paperback / softback
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Published November, 2006
By Paul Schenk and Paul W Schenk
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Available
People who undergo near-death experiences often have profound and life changing experiences. It is as if the whole of their life has been put into perspective and they can see relationships, experiences, hopes and dreams in a completely new light.

Paperback / softback
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Published November, 2006
By Jay Haley, Madeleine Richeport-Haley, Jay Hayley and Madeleine Richeport-Hayley
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Available
The first volume to appear in the Crown House Classics Series, The Answer Within fits the bill perfectly as it is both classic and completely contemporary. With new introductions by the authors, The Answer Within illuminates the genius of Milton H. Erickson as a psychotherapist and demonstrates how the principles that anchored his cr

DVD Audio
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Published November, 2006
By Robert B. McNeilly
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
A series of DVDs, in which each DVD includes an actual demonstration with Dr Robert McNeilly and a client or clients using hypnotic techniques based on the work of Milton H Erickson. These sessions demonstrate how individuals can readily and effectively reconnect with their preferred experiences in a time effective way.

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Published November, 2006
By Laurence Sugarman and Laurence L Sugarman
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Available
This 70-minute DVD demonstrates the use of a variety of hypnotic techniques with children. The use of hypnosis can comfort children and adolescents during procedures, injections and examinations, and help them to manage stress and cope with chronic disease.The DVD includes eight actual sessions with children ranging from age 7

DVD Audio
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Published November, 2006
By Robert B. McNeilly
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Includes an actual demonstration with Dr Robert McNeilly and a client or clients using hypnotic techniques based on the work of Milton H Erickson. The sessions in this DVD demonstrate how individuals can readily and effectively reconnect with their preferred experiences in a time effective way.

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Published July, 2006
By Jay Haley and Jay Hayley
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Available
In this classic volume available now once again, Jay Haley in the controversial title article proposes an original interpretation of the Bible analyzing Jesus's actions as a man trying to build a mass movement to topple a power structure. Using wit and wry humour,

Paperback / softback
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Published June, 2006
By Rubin Battino
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Available
This immensely powerful and practical book is about utilising the power of expectation in working with clients. It is the author's contention that creating an environment where the client expects to change is the foundation of doing effective very brief therapy.

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