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Published June, 2006
By Jay Haley
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Available
This classic volume deals with the strategies of both psychotherapists and clients as they manoeuvre around each other in the process of treatment. How a therapist induces a client to change is described within a framework of interpersonal theory and directive family therapy. This work represents a step from the study of therapy in t

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Published June, 2006
By Rubin Battino and Thomas L. South
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Available
Now available in CD format. This companion to Ericksonian Approaches presents a demonstration of both correct and incorrect deliveries of trance induction, as well as of multiple embedded metaphors and basic floating-hand inductions.

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Published April, 2006
By Dave Ellis
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Available
This manual is specifically designed for therapists, counsellors and other helping professionals who are looking to add life coaching techniques to their portfolio of skills. Dave Ellis, author of Falling Awake, has produced a step-by-step practical guide to turning your natural people-helping skills into a profitable life coach

Paperback / softback
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Published March, 2006
By Muriel Prince Warren
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
SUITABLE FOR THEREAPISTS. In this post 9/11 world therapists need to expand their toolboxes to deal with trauma and its effects. This book: provides a new way of dealing with the devastating emotional residue of a traumatic event.

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Published February, 2006
By Robert B. McNeilly
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Includes an actual demonstration with Dr Robert McNeilly and a client or clients using hypnotic techniques based on the work of Milton H Erickson. The sessions in this DVD demonstrate how individuals can readily and effectively reconnect with their preferred experiences in a time effective way.

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Published February, 2006
By Robert B. McNeilly
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
A series of DVDs, in which each DVD includes an actual demonstration with Dr Robert McNeilly and a client or clients using hypnotic techniques based on the work of Milton H Erickson. These sessions demonstrate how individuals can readily and effectively reconnect with their preferred experiences in a time effective way.

DVD video
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Published February, 2006
By Robert B. McNeilly
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
A series of DVDs, in which each DVD includes an actual demonstration with Dr Robert McNeilly and a client or clients using hypnotic techniques based on the work of Milton H Erickson. These sessions demonstrate how individuals can readily and effectively reconnect with their preferred experiences in a time effective way.

DVD video
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Published February, 2006
By Robert B. McNeilly
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
A series of DVDs, in which each DVD includes an actual demonstration with Dr Robert McNeilly and a client or clients using hypnotic techniques based on the work of Milton H Erickson. These sessions demonstrate how individuals can readily and effectively reconnect with their preferred experiences in a time effective way.

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Published February, 2006
By Robert B. McNeilly
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
A series of DVDs, in which each DVD includes an actual demonstration with Dr Robert McNeilly and a client or clients using hypnotic techniques based on the work of Milton H Erickson. These sessions demonstrate how individuals can readily and effectively reconnect with their preferred experiences in a time effective way.

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Published January, 2006
By Gordon Emmerson
Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Availability: Available
Advanced Skills and Interventions in Therapeutic Counseling is written for advanced students and professionals. It provides the reader with an understanding of the personality and reviews fundamentals of the counselling process, such as the set up of the counselling room, attending behaviour, and advanced active listening skills. It

Paperback / softback
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