Published June, 2006
By Barry Durrant-Peatfield
Publisher: Hammersmith Press Limited
Availability: Available
By Barry Durrant-Peatfield
Publisher: Hammersmith Press Limited
Availability: Available
Thyroid problems are notoriously difficult to diagnose and many people suffer for years, undergoing treatments for the symptoms rather than the underlying problem. Based on many years' experience in this complex field, the author describes the practical ways in which sufferers can help themselves.
Paperback / softback
Published May, 2006
By Mary Jordan
Publisher: Hammersmith Press Limited
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
By Mary Jordan
Publisher: Hammersmith Press Limited
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Illustrated with individual case stories, this book covers physical, social, and financial needs, across the stages of immediate, intermediate and advanced care. It is useful as a practical companion for those caring for, or responsible for the care of, an elderly friend or relative.
Paperback / softback
Published January, 2006
By Cecil Helman
Publisher: Hammersmith Press Limited
Availability: Available
By Cecil Helman
Publisher: Hammersmith Press Limited
Availability: Available
Presents stories that teach us about ourselves and our attitudes to health and illness, whether we are deliverers or recipients of health care. This book takes the reader from apartheid South Africa, where the author did his initial training to the London of the early 1970s, where he forswore medicine to become an anthropologist and poet.
Paperback / softback