Published July, 2013
By J Bradley Randleman and Farhad Hafezi
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
By J Bradley Randleman and Farhad Hafezi
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Published May, 2013
By Bette Bonder and Laura E Martin
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Available
By Bette Bonder and Laura E Martin
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Available
Explores theory and practice to define and describe the multidimensional nature of culture and its interaction with an individual's experience in the development of beliefs, values, and behaviour. This updated second edition examines cultural beliefs related to health and wellness and how these beliefs and their associated actions affect intervention strategies.
Paperback / softback
Medical literature continues to expand at an exponential pace and finding the most important information is becoming increasingly difficult. This offers a simple way to access and review the key points from the most relevant and important published articles. Each article is formatted to include an article citation, a summation of the abstract, a summary of key points, and author commentary.
Paperback / softback
Published May, 2013
By Tamerah N. Hunt
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Available
By Tamerah N. Hunt
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Available
Paperback / softback
Published May, 2013
By Douglas G. Adler and Douglas Adler
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Contact supplier
By Douglas G. Adler and Douglas Adler
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Contact supplier
Paperback / softback
Published April, 2013
By Karen Jacobs and Amy Solomon
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
By Karen Jacobs and Amy Solomon
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Paperback / softback
Published April, 2013
By David F. Chang
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Available
By David F. Chang
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Available
Published April, 2013
By Malik Y. Kahook, Joel S. Schuman, Paul Lee, Redleaf Press and Malik Kahook
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Available
By Malik Y. Kahook, Joel S. Schuman, Paul Lee, Redleaf Press and Malik Kahook
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Available
Published March, 2013
By Steven Morgan, David J. Hak and Kyros R. Ipaktchi
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Available
By Steven Morgan, David J. Hak and Kyros R. Ipaktchi
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Available
This is a clinically focused book that will help guide the orthopaedic surgeon through the most commonly encountered injuries when on call. Drs. David J. Hak, Kyros R. Ipaktchi and Steven Morgan are joined by over 50 leading experts to provide a succinct and quick review of the key points that will allow you to provide patients with expert and immediate care.
Paperback / softback
Published March, 2013
By Lucio Buratto, Dr Lucio Buratto, Stephen Brint, Luigi Caretti and Stephen F. Brint
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Available
By Lucio Buratto, Dr Lucio Buratto, Stephen Brint, Luigi Caretti and Stephen F. Brint
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Availability: Available
Offers the latest techniques in treating complicated cases as faced by today's surgeons performing cataract surgery. Dr. Lucio Buratto, Dr. Stephen Brint and Dr. Luigi Caretti provide step-by-step approach to facilitate how to assess the patient, perform the technique, and manage the most challenging cataract surgery complicated cases facing both beginning and experienced surgeons.