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Recent Advances in Paediatrics: 28
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Main description:

Recent Advances in Paediatrics: 28 is the ideal resource for keeping abreast of new developments in this constantly changing field. Written by expert authors and featuring topics such as pre-school speech, language and fluency impairments and fertility preservation for young people with cancer, each chapter highlights the latest developments of relevance to clinical practice. This book is an invaluable update and revision tool for trainees preparing for postgraduate examinations.

9 chapters summarising important recent advances within the field of paediatrics

All topics are written in a practical and clinically relevant manner, further enhanced by the 'key points for clinical practice' sections at the end of each chapter

Provides an effective exam revision tool for the DCH and MRCPCH

All chapters written by expert authors ensuring authoritative and accurate content

Full colour photographs throughout


Physiological basis for the administration of intravenous fluids to children with shock

Paediatric assessment and management of disabled children and those following different developmental journeys

Pre-school speech, language and fluency impairments: best practice in identification and management

Advances in the surveillance and management of tuberous sclerosis complex

Diagnosis and management of child abuse in Singapore

Genetic techniques for rare diseases

Fertility preservation for young people with cancer: the end of the beginning?

Developmental Interventions in the neonatal intensive care unit: clinical implications

Drowning in children and young people


ISBN-13: 9781909836600
Publisher: Jaypee Medical (JP Medical Ltd)
Publication date: March, 2017
Pages: 126
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, Paediatrics and Neonatal


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