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Main description:
Reflection enables us to make sense of, and learn from, experiences that can seem uncertain, chaotic or even mundane. It is a core skill that student nurses must grasp to develop professionally, and is a requirement of the professional standards. This book introduces student nurses to reflection in a clear and practical manner. It shows different ways of using reflection to learn and develop as a practitioner, including exploring personal experiences. It gives practical tips on using reflection throughout the pre-registration programme and empowers the student nurse to take ownership of their own learning by developing this important skill.
Introduction What Is Meant by Reflection and Reflective Practice Lifewide and Lifelong Learning and Reflection Autobiographical Reflection and Learning Reflective Models and Frameworks Creating Space for Reflection Reflection and Reflexivity The Reflective Practitioner Guided Reflection and Reflecting with Others Reflective Writing Critical Reflection
Publisher: Learning Matters Ltd
Publication date: July, 2010
Pages: 168
Dimensions: 171.00 x 246.00 x 9.00
Weight: 338g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Nursing