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Rehabilitation Techniques for Sports Medicine and Athletic Training
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Main description:

Rehabilitation Techniques for Sports Medicine and Athletic Training, Sixth Edition is a comprehensive reference written for the athletic training student who is interested in gaining more in-depth exposure to the theory and practical application of rehabilitation techniques used in a sports medicine environment.

Dr. William Prentice and his contributors have collectively combined their expertise and knowledge to produce a single text that encompasses all aspects of sports medicine rehabilitation. This new Sixth Edition provides the athletic trainer with a complete guide to the design, implementation, and supervision of rehabilitation programs for sport-related injuries.

Rehabilitation Techniques for Sports Medicine and Athletic Training, Sixth Edition is intended for athletic trainers that deal with practical application of theory in a clinical setting. While a number of texts are available on the subject of rehabilitation of injury in various patient populations, Rehabilitation Techniques for Sports Medicine and Athletic Training, Sixth Edition concentrates exclusively on the application of rehabilitation techniques in a sport-related setting for a unique sports medicine emphasis.

New in the Sixth Edition:
* All new four color design
* More than 650 instructional high-resolution videos corresponding to a particular photograph
* Integrated laboratory manual
* More than 1,000 full-color images throughout
* New terminology to reflect the NATA Educational Competencies Fifth Edition
* Ancillary interactive website and instructor's materials available

Instructors in educational settings can visit for additional materials to be used for teaching in the classroom.

Rehabilitation Techniques for Sports Medicine and Athletic Training, Sixth Edition is the perfect resource for athletic training students, faculty, and clinicians; physical therapists who manage rehabilitation programs for sports-related injuries; as well as for strength and conditioning coaches who supervise performance enhancement programs on return to play.


About the Editor
Contributing Authors

Section I The Basis of Injury Rehabilitation
Chapter 1 Essential Considerations in Designing a Rehabilitation Program for the Injured Patient
William E. Prentice, PhD, PT, ATC, FNATA

Chapter 2 Understanding and Managing the Healing Process Through Rehabilitation
William E. Prentice, PhD, PT, ATC, FNATA

Chapter 3 The Evaluation Process in Rehabilitation
Darin A. Padua, PhD, ATC

Chapter 4 Psychological Considerations for Rehabilitation of the Injured Athletic Patient
Elizabeth G. Hedgpeth, EdD and Joe Gieck, EdD, PT, ATC

Section II Achieving the Goals of Rehabilitation
Chapter 5 Establishing Core Stability in Rehabilitation
Barbara J. Hoogenboom, EdD, PT, SCS, ATC; Jolene L. Bennett, MA, PT, OCS, ATC, CertMDT; and Michael Clark, DPT, MS, PT, PES, CES

Chapter 6 Reestablishing Neuromuscular Control
Scott Lephart, PhD, ATC; C. Buz Swanik, PhD, ATC; and Troy Blackburn, PhD, ATC

Chapter 7 Regaining Postural Stability and Balance
Kevin M. Guskiewicz, PhD, ATC, FNATA, FACSM

Chapter 8 Restoring Range of Motion and Improving Flexibility
William E. Prentice, PhD, PT, ATC, FNATA

Chapter 9 Regaining Muscular Strength, Endurance, and Power
William E. Prentice, PhD, PT, ATC, FNATA

Chapter 10 Maintaining Cardiorespiratory Fitness During Rehabilitation
Patrick Sells, DA, CES and William E. Prentice, PhD, PT, ATC, FNATA

Section III The Tools of Rehabilitation
Chapter 11 Plyometric Exercise in Rehabilitation
Michael L. Voight, DHSc, PT, SCS, OCS, ATC, CSCS, FAPTA and Steven R. Tippett, PhD, PT, SCS, ATC

Chapter 12 Open vs Closed Kinetic Chain Exercise in Rehabilitation
William E. Prentice, PhD, PT, ATC, FNATA

Chapter 13 Joint Mobilization and Traction Techniques in Rehabilitation
William E. Prentice, PhD, PT, ATC, FNATA

Chapter 14 Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Techniques in Rehabilitation
William E. Prentice, PhD, PT, ATC, FNATA

Chapter 15 Aquatic Therapy in Rehabilitation
Barbara J. Hoogenboom, EdD, PT, SCS, ATC and Nancy E. Lomax, PT

Chapter 16 Functional Progressions and Functional Testing in Rehabilitation
Michael McGee, EdD, LAT, ATC

Section IV Rehabilitation Techniques for Specific Injuries
Chapter 17 Rehabilitation of Shoulder Injuries
Joseph B. Myers, PhD, ATC; Terri Jo Rucinski, MA, PT, ATC;
William E. Prentice, PhD, PT, ATC, FNATA; and Rob Schneider, PT, MS, LAT, ATC

Chapter 18 Rehabilitation of Elbow Injuries
Pete Zulia, PT, SCS, ATC and William E. Prentice, PhD, PT, ATC, FNATA

Chapter 19 Rehabilitation of Wrist, Hand, and Finger Injuries
Anne Marie Schneider, OTR/L, CHT

Chapter 20 Rehabilitation of Groin, Hip, and Thigh Injuries
Bernie DePalma, MEd, PT, ATC and Doug Halverson, MA, ATC, CSCS

Chapter 21 Rehabilitation of Knee Injuries
Darin A. Padua, PhD, ATC; Michelle C. Boling, PhD, LAT, ATC; and William E. Prentice, PhD, PT, ATC, FNATA

Chapter 22 Rehabilitation of Lower-Leg Injuries
Christopher J. Hirth, MSPT, PT, ATC

Chapter 23 Rehabilitation of Ankle and Foot Injuries
William E. Prentice, PhD, PT, ATC, FNATA; Stuart L. (Skip) Hunter, PT, ATC; and Steven M. Zinder, PhD, ATC

Chapter 24 Rehabilitation of Injuries to the Spine 801
Daniel N. Hooker, PhD, PT, ATC and William E. Prentice, PhD, PT, ATC, FNATA

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ISBN-13: 9781617119316
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: April, 2015
Pages: 725
Weight: 652g
Availability: Contact supplier
Subcategories: Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine


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