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Main description:
This meeting of JECFA reviewed data from residue depletion studies of ractopamine hydrochloride in pig tissues, including data from three breeds of pigs in studies undertaken by the People's Republic of China. The Committee concluded that the MRLs previously recommended are compliant with the ADI as regards consumption of pig tissues of muscle, liver, kidney and fat. Substituting specific organ tissue data for liver and kidney would result in dietary intakes that are still below the upper bound of the ADI, with the exception of lung tissue, However, dietary information on consumption of offal and other organ tissues such as lung are lacking and further work should be undertaken to address this issue.
Publisher: Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Publication date: July, 2010
Pages: 64
Weight: 652g
Availability: Contact supplier
Subcategories: Pharmacology, Veterinary Medicine