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Main description:
Food selection plays an important role in ensuring pro- and anti-inflammatory balance. Certain foods are responsible for increasing inflammation while others have anti-inflammation properties. Western diets especially, rich in red meat, simple carbohydrates, and refined grains, increase the levels of pro-inflammatory markers, C-reactive protein (CRP), and interleukin-6 (IL-6). Additionally, short- and long-chain fatty acids, various micronutrients including zinc, selenium, iron, vitamin A, probiotics, and prebiotic foods affect inflammation. As inflammation can be linked to a variety of diseases, more studies are needed about nutrition and its ability to prevent inflammation. Role of Nutrition in Providing Pro-/Anti-Inflammatory Balance: Emerging Research and Opportunities is an essential publication that examines balancing inflammation through nutrition and nutritional strategies. Firstly, information about the formation process of inflammation, biomarkers used for diagnosis, diseases affected by inflammation, and their incidence in society are discussed. Subsequently, balancing inflammation in individuals through macro- and micro-nutrient consumption, nutritional supplements (probiotics and prebiotics), bioactive proteins and peptides, and dietary forms is examined. Featuring research covering a broad range of topics including food supplements, diet types, and bioactive proteins, this book is ideally designed for nutritionists, dieticians, clinicians, doctors, nurses, healthcare providers, researchers, academicians, and students.
Publisher: Business Science Reference
Publication date: April, 2020
Pages: 214
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders