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Rorschachiana 2018: 38
Journal of the International Society for the Rorschach
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Main description:

This latest volume of Rorschachiana illustrates the diversity of ideas and applications that projective methods offer. In a general section a diverse blend of innovative research articles are presented, including an investigation into the personalities and psychopathologies of patients with psoriasis, a study examining whether men are more likely to qualify their Rorschach human content responses as males and
women as females, and a research report identifying differences in the emotional indicators in the Two Human Figures Test due to cultural
variables. A fascinating special section presents the interpretations by a panel of experienced clinicians of a single Rorschach protocol and case study from five different psychoanalytic theoretical lenses: psychoanalytic ego psychology, object relations theory, self psychology, interpersonal theory, and attachment theory. An integrated discussion shows how varied psychoanalytical theories are, but that similar conclusions were drawn, and that together the clinicians provided a very detailed and rich case formulation.

Rorschachiana is the official publication of the International Society for the Rorschach and Projective Methods, now with more than 3,000
members throughout the world, which for over half a century has played an important role in supporting the use of the instrument, as
well as helping to develop extensive empirical research on its effectiveness in specific clinical situations. Rorschachiana is also available as a journal (ISSN 1192-5604). The journal subscription includes 2 online issues per year, access to available back issues, and the book as an annual print compendium.


Issue 1
Special Section: Multiple Psychoanalytic Models Case Study
A Rorschach Case Study: Multiple Psychoanalytic Models of
James H. Kleiger
Case Studies
Rorschach Interpretation: An Object Relations Approach
Bruce L. Smith
Ego Psychoanalytic Rorschach Interpretation
Irving B. Weiner
An Interpersonal Approach to Rorschach Interpretation
F. Barton Evans
A Self Psychological Analysis of Rorschach Thematic Content
Marshall L. Silverstein
Attachment Theory Applied to Ms. B.'s Rorschach
Ety Berant
Discussion of Special Issue Articles ``A Rorschach Case Study:
Multiple Psychoanalytic Models of Interpretation''
Jed Yalof
Book Review
Disordered Personalities and Crime
Marianne Nygren
Issue 2
Research Articles
Investigating Personality and Psychopathology in Patients
With Psoriasis
Chiara Vari, Patrizia Velotti, Alessandro Crisi, Silvana Carlesimo,
Antonio G. Richetta, and Giulio Cesare Zavattini
Sex Assignment to Whole Human Responses in Rorschach
Christian Mormont and Patrick Fontan
Cultural Differences in the Emotional Indicators of the Two-People
Drawing Test
Ana Maria Tuset Bertran and Maria Teresa Fernandez Nistal
Emotional Perception and Distortion Correlates With Rorschach
Cognitive and Interpersonal Variables
Fabiano Koich Miguel, Marcia Caroline Portela Amaro,
Eduardo Yudi Huss, and Ana Carolina Zuanazzi
Book Review
Essentials of Rorschach Assessment: Comprehensive System
and R-PAS
Vera Campo


ISBN-13: 9780889375468
Publisher: Hogrefe Publishing
Publication date: January, 2018
Pages: 164
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Psychiatry


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