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Rorschachiana 2019: 40
Journal of the International Society for the Rorschach, Vol. 40 /2019
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Main description:

Rorschachiana is the official publication of the International Society for the Rorschach and Projective Methods, now with more than 3,000 members throughout the world, which for over half a century has played an important role in supporting the use of the instrument, as well as helping to develop extensive empirical research on its effectiveness in specific clinical situations.


Special Issue:
Projective Methods With Couples: Families, Thematic Apperception Test, and the Rorschach Couples, Families, and Projective Methods by Sadegh Nashat
Validity of Space Responses: What Can We Learn From Rorschach Protocols of Divorcing Couples Fighting for Child Custody?
by Anna Maria Rosso, Andrea Camoirano, and Carlo Chiorri
Observing Couples Discussing About "What Might This Be?" by Filippo Aschieri, Ilaria Durosini, and Francesca Fantini
Rorschach as a Tool in the Psychological Assessment of Families With Patients With Schizophrenia: A Literature Review
by Clarice Alves de Almeida Beckmann and Ileno Izidio da Costa
Rorschach Test and Systemic Theory: A Proposal of a Qualitative Method for Content Analysis by Gabriella Gandino
Issue 2
Attachment Picture Story (APS): Adaptation and Validation of the Projective Patte Noire Test to Evaluate Attachment in Adolescence by Elisabeth Ballus, Edurne Urrutia, Mar Casas, and Felix Loizaga
Performance-Based Assessment of Social Cognition in Borderline Versus Psychotic Psychopathology by Jeremy M. Ridenour, Katie C. Lewis, John M. Poston, and Destiny N. Ciecalone
Multiple Emotion Regulation in Rorschach Color Responses: A Study Using IAT and Self-Report by Ryo Matsuda
Autistic Thinking: Conceptual Understanding and Rorschach Assessment by James H. Kleiger and Irving B. Weiner
Coming Together Through Falling Apart: Using Psychological Assessment Within a Developmental Framework to Assess Change
by Heather Churchill and Jeremy M. Ridenour
Correcting Smith et al.'s (2018) Criticisms of All Rorschach Studies in Mihura, Meyer, Dumitrascu, and Bombel's (2013) Meta-Analyses by Joni L. Mihura


ISBN-13: 9780889375659
Publisher: Hogrefe Publishing
Publication date: January, 2020
Pages: 168
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Psychiatry


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