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Main description:
This book comprehensively covers application of salvage therapy in reccurrent prostate cancer. Chapters focus on specific issues associated with a range of surgical and oncological management techniques and strategies including hormone therapy, lymphnode dissection, robotic prostatectomy and salvage reirradiation after locoregional failure. Learning objectives, and definitions of keywords are provided to aid the reader develop a thorough understanding of the topic and reinforce the key points covered in each chapter.
Salvage Therapy for Prostate Cancer provides a detailed practically applicable guide on how salvage therapy can be utilised in the treatment of prostate cancer. It represents a valuable resource for trainee and practicing urologists, oncologists, and specialist nurses.
Systematic Review of Open, Laparoscopic and Robotic Salvage Radical ProstatectomySalvage Prostatectomy for Radio-recurrent Prostate Cancer Salvage Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy for Recurrent Localized Prostate Cancer after Radiation Therapy- Pre-operative Assessment, the contribution of Robotics and OutcomesDisease Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy Salvage Therapy in Prostate Cancer- Predictors of RecurrenceThe Role of MRI in Recurrent Prostate CancerClinical Staging/Diagnostic Imaging Imaging for Salvage Therapy in Recurrent Prostate CancerThe Role of PET in Salvage Therapy for Prostate CancerSalvage RadiotherapySalvage Cryotherapy in Prostate CancerSalvage Treatment after Focal TherapySalvage Re-Irradiation after Locoregional Failure with Primary Radiotherapy for Prostate CancerSalvage Brachytherapy- Outcomes from Low and High dose Brachytherapy in Prostate CancerSalvage Brachytherapy after Primary Brachytherapy in Recurrent Prostate CancerFocal Salvage Therapy for Prostate Cancer Recurrence after Primary RadiotherapySalvage Lymph Node DissectionSalvage Re-irradiation Therapy after Loco-regional Failure for RadiotherapyRole of Metastasectomy in Prostate Cancer Patients following Primary TreatmentIncontinence of Urine after the Treatment of Prostate CancerErectile Dysfunction in Salvage Prostate Cancer Therapies
Publisher: Springer (Springer Nature Switzerland AG)
Publication date: November, 2021
Pages: 266
Weight: 544g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Oncology, Urology