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Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice: Small Animal Dermatology
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Main description:

For most dermatological conditions several treatment and/or management options are available, making the situation even more complicated. Small Animal Dermatology is a handy reference for these cases and encourages the practitioner to pursue a definitive diagnosis and plan effective management even if the condition can not be cured.

Unique new cased-based approach relating essential theory to clinical practice
Modern, highly designed and illustrated so key information can be seen at a glance
Self testing, MCQs and remediation means these books are ideally suited for CPD or as an exam revision aid
Essential for all general small animal veterinary practitioners and students

This is a series of must-have practical handbooks covering specific veterinary problems using a unique, consistent, cased-based approach. From simple routine first opinion cases to referrals and more complex clinical scenarios, the series provides the essential knowledge that will lead to improved skills and practice for veterinary practitioners undertaking clinical professional development or students nearing the end of their courses and needing a vital examination revision aid.

New case-based approach helps relate essential theory to the real world of the busy clinic
Each case outlines: initial presentation, clinical signs, examination techniques, differential diagnoses, treatment options, clinical tips and relevant nursing information
Highly illustrated using full colour throughout so key information can be found at a glance
Numerous self-assessment tests and multiple choice questions with remediation
Ideally suited for CPD and as an exam revision aid


ISBN-13: 9780702028700
Publisher: Elsevier (W B Saunders Co Ltd)
Publication date: June, 2008
Pages: 388
Weight: 875g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Veterinary Medicine


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