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Sims' Symptoms in the Mind: Textbook of Descriptive Psychopathology
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Main description:

Since its first edition in 1988, this book has become the leading introductory textbook on clinical psychopathology. Now fully revised and updated, it is an invaluable reference for psychiatrists of all levels as well as clinical psychologists, allied mental health professionals and researchers in this field.

Comprehensive and accessible overview of clinical psychopathology.
Defines, clarifies and describes the main symptoms and syndromes of mental illness encountered in clinical practice.
Illustrates key principles of psychopathology with examples drawn from a wide range of sources.

Fully updated throughout.
Includes key point summaries.
Complementary access to the e-book through ExpertConsult.
Additional online electronic resources include:

Patient interview scenarios exploring key themes (videos with transcripts).
Author podcasts (audio) to expand and clarify core topics.
Interactive question and answer sections for each chapter, to test your understanding and aid revision of essential areas.

Now in 4 colour.
New, bigger, more user-friendly format.
Three new podcasts (consciousness, embodiment, shame and guilt).


Section One: Concepts and Method.

1. Fundamental Concepts of Descriptive Psychopathology 2.Eliciting the Symptoms of Mental Illness

Section Two: Consciousness and Cognition

3.Consciousness and Disturbed Consciousness 4. Attention, Concentration, Orientation and Sleep 5.Disturbance of Memory

Section Three: Awareness of Reality: Time, Perception and Judgement

6.Disorder of Time 7.Pathology of Perception 8. Delusions and Other Erroneous Ideas 9. Disorder of the Thinking Process 10.Disorder of Speech and Language 11. Insight

Section Four: Self and Body

12. The Disordered Self 13. Depersonalization 14. Disorder of the Awareness of the Body 15. The Psychopathology of Pain

Section Five: Emotions and Action

16. Affect and Emotional Disorders 17. Anxiety, Panic, Irritability, Phobia and Obsession 18. Disorders of Volition and Execution

Section Six: Variations of Human Nature

19. The Expression of Disordered Personality

Section Seven: Diagnosis

20. Psychopathology and Diagnosis


ISBN-13: 9780702074011
Publisher: Elsevier (Elsevier Health Sciences)
Publication date: August, 2018
Weight: 700g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Psychiatry


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