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Main description:
In this new color handbook, the authors deal systematically with those skin conditions that are particular to or more common in the elderly covering testing, diagnosis and treatment options. Given ageing populations the need for such a book is urgent.
More and more elderly patients will seek care for a variety of skin conditions, ranging from eczema and psoriasis to benign lesions and skin cancers. For environmental and physiological reasons, all such conditions become more prevalent in the elderly and the effects of treatment more problematic.
Following an initial chapter on how skin changes with age, the authors discuss in turn inflammatory, neoplastic, infectious and metabolic/nutritional diseases of the skin, plus skin signs of systemic disease in old age.
Skin Diseases of the Elderly is written in a concise structured style and illustrated by a wealth of top quality color photos. it is intended to help dermatologists in practice and training, geriatricians, primary care physicians, specialist nurses and senior medical students.
Skin changes with ageing
Inflammatory skin disease
Neoplasms of the skin
Infections of the skin
Metabolic and nutritional diseases
Skin signs of systemic disease
Further reading
Publisher: Taylor & Francis (CRC Press)
Publication date: December, 2011
Pages: 144
Weight: 317g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Dermatology, Geriatrics, Nursing
From the same series
...a quick read for anyone curious about dipping their toes into a little dermatology. The salient points are summarized well and the authors have assembled overall good quality photographs of typical presentations of most of the conditions mentioned... 3 stars
—Patricia Wong, Doody's Review Service, June 2012