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Main description:
This is a concise and quick reference guide, clinically oriented, based on experience underpinned by published research data. The book covers anesthetic equipment, monitoring, premedication, intravenous induction agents, injectable anesthetic combinations, inhalant anesthesia, anesthesia for specific diseases, fluid therapy, anesthetic emergencies and complications, acute and chronic pain management. Drug dosages and anesthetic protocols are provided in tabular form. The book contains a wealth of superb illustrations. Small Animal Anesthesia and Pain Management is of value to all those who need practical information easily to hand: small animal practitioners, veterinary technicians/nurses, and veterinary students.
Contents 1. Anesthetic equipment for inhalant anesthesia 2. Preanesthetic premedication-drugs and dosages in dogs and cats 3. Intravenous injection techniques and intravenous anesthetic agents 4. Inhalant anesthetics 5. Anesthesia monitoring and management 6. Fluid therapy 7. Anesthetic emergencies and cardiopulmonary resuscitation 8. Airway management and ventilation 9. Injectable sedative and anesthetic combinations in dogs and cats 10. Anesthesia considerations for specific diseases 11. Local anesthetics and techniques 12. Acute pain management 13. Chronic pain management for osteoarthritis and neuropathic pain in dogs and cats 14. Cancer pain management 15. Anesthesia in shelter medicine and high volume/high quality spay and neuter programs 16. Euthanasia Appendix: Anesthetic dosage reference ranges in dogs and cats Index
Publisher: Manson Publishing Ltd
Publication date: November, 2012
Pages: 288
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Veterinary Medicine