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Main description:
Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology is a practical, clinically-oriented pharmacology text designed to provide the veterinary student and practitioner with all the relevant information needed when designing drug treatment regimens for pets in small animal veterinary practice. Comprehensively updated and revised, the second edition of this core text covers essential new information on drugs used in the management of a range of presenting conditions including heart disease and cardiac arrhythmias. For the second edition new authors, superb new illustrations and a second colour have all been introduced. With its unique approach combining a thorough understanding of the pharmacological action of drugs with a basic understanding of the relevant physiology and pathophysiology of systems and tissues affected, Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology continues to be an indispensable book for all veterinary students and practitioners.
1. Pharmacological principles of clinical practice
2. Clinical pharmacokinetics
3. Adverse drug reactions
4. Autonomic pharmacology
5. Anaesthetic agents
6. Sedatives
7. Behaviour modification drugs
8. Antimicrobials
9. Antifungal
10. Antiparasitics
11. Corticosteroids and antihistamines
12. Immunomodulatory therapy
13. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
14. Narcotic analgesics
15. Cancer chemotherapy
16. Anticonvulsants
17. Cardiovascular therapy
18. Respiratory drugs
19. Gastrointestinal drugs
20. Drugs used in the management of thyroid disease
21. Drugs used in the management of pancreatic disease
22. Drugs used in the management of adrenal disease
23. Drugs and reproduction
24. Topical dermatological therapy
Publisher: Elsevier (Saunders Ltd.)
Publication date: February, 2008
Pages: 584
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Veterinary Medicine