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Sonographic Atlas for Common Musculoskeletal Pathologies: 3 Volume Set
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Under the auspices of: Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Board of the European Union of Medical Specialists; Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Section of the European Union of Medical Specialists;European Society of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine; International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine; Euro-Musculus; Turkish League Against Rheumatism; Academie europeenne de medecine de readaptation; World Musculus

The book "Sonographic Atlas for Common Musculoskeletal Pathologies" represents the second output of the same project that has produced "Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine". Musculoskeletal ultrasound is user-dependent, thus it strongly needs training with a mentor and 'maintenance' education. Accordingly, the main purpose of this second book is to provide plenty of examples concerning the most commonly scanned musculoskeletal pathologies, and thus to fill the gap of long-term supervised education. The sections of the book are organized as regions in an anatomy atlas, i.e. starting from head and neck down to ankle and foot. In each section, the subsections are arranged in accordance with the anatomical structures. There are 500 images and 20 related videos, and the text is based mainly on the long figure legends, which also include clinical/physical examination findings. Importantly, while reading the book, you will see parts referred as "Expert Note" at the bottom of many pages. These comments are, for sure, the most distinguishing part of the book, because they provide valuable, practical explanations, making the readers feel as if they are revising and discussing that particular US image with an expert sitting next to them.


ISBN-13: 9788870515763
Publisher: Edi.ermes srl
Publication date: September, 2018
Pages: 576
Dimensions: 195.00 x 260.00 x 28.00
Weight: 652g
Availability: Contact supplier
Subcategories: Radiology


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