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Statistical Methods in Neuropsychology
Common Procedures Made Comprehensible
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Main description:

This book describes appropriate statistical models that are commonly utilized in neuropsychology. The book discusses such issues as developing normative data for neuropsychological measures, assessing the validity of neuropsychological tests, and quantifying change “over time” through longitudinal analyses. The rationale for and allure of the volume is the fact that there are no publications that dovetail the two subdisciplines of applied statistics and neuropsychology. The overall objective of this book is to provide a pragmatic and concrete source for applying methodological and statistical techniques in research studies whose emphasis includes neuropsychology. Since there are a plethora of technique to arrive at similar answers, each method with its strengths and weaknesses will be delineated. The beauty of the book will be that it will hopefully demystify commonly encountered issues faced with researchers. More specifically, it will provide a “how to do it” approach.


Addresses the issue of when and how to use appropriate statistical modeling in neuropsychology

Only text to dovetail the two subdisciplines of neuropsychology and statistical modeling through nonmathematical frameworks

Provides a how-to approach to overcoming common problems in neuropsychology research

Back cover:

Statistical Methods in Neuropsychology

Common Procedures Made Comprehensible


David Aaron Maroof

 Statistics: not only the bane of many a student’s existence, but also puzzling to any number of mental health professionals. At the same time, they are necessary in making sound clinical judgments as to clients’ cognitive functioning or decline. Without them, a practitioner may be at a loss to explain findings or recommendations, or understand data in context.
The first publication of its kind, Statistical Methods in Neuropsychology brings the broad field of applied statistics and the specialized field of neuropsychology together to simplify and demystify test results. In readable, at times downright funny prose employing the minimum of hard math (and even less hard jargon), this concise volume shows readers how to effectively translate psychometric test data into real-world clinical practice, and offers a fuller understanding of the research literature. The author critiques commonly used statistical methods on the basis of their strengths and weaknesses, and reviews the issues in these key areas:
• Assessing validity.
• Statistical assumptions.
• Exploratory factor analysis.
• Normative data.
• Covariates and covariance analysis.
• Regression and logistic regression analysis.
• Multivariate analysis of variance.
Statistical Methods in Neuropsychology will appeal to a wide variety of neuropsychologists, cognitive neuroscientists, psychiatrists, and experimental psychologists: those who understand statistics but want to know the why behind them, those new to the field and still getting familiar with the formulas, and those wishing to retake the course with a witty, world-class professor.



ISBN-13: 9781489988447
Publisher: Springer (Springer US)
Publication date: July, 2014
Pages: 110
Weight: 195g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Issues


David Maroof, Ph.D. is a clinical neuropsychologist. He attended Yeshiva University’s APA-accredited clinical psychology program prior to completing a post-doctoral fellowship in clinical neuropsychology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Presently, Dr. Maroof is in clinical practice in Orlando, Florida, where he also holds a full-time faculty appointment managing the neuropsychology track for the Florida Professional School of Psychology, an APA-accredited doctoral program. Dr. Maroof has taught for a number of years – both undergraduate and graduate – primarily in courses of statistics and research design and neuropsychology. Dr. Maroof has numerous publications, including book chapters and original research articles.

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From the reviews:

“This book explores statistical concepts in relation to the field of neuropsychology. The purpose is to provide a simple, conceptually straightforward explanation of statistical analyses. Although specifically targeted at neuropsychologists, the statistical concepts would be useful to anyone in the social sciences or medicine. … Each chapter is well organized, brief, and practical. … This useful overview of common statistical methods in neuropsychology and related fields contains practical guidance for carrying out the analyses that will best serve readers familiar with statistics … .” (Christopher J. Graver, Doody’s Review Service, September, 2012)

“David Maroof in Statistical Methods in Neuropsychology: Common Procedures Made Comprehensible attempts to cover briefly a few statistical topics that are commonly used in neuropsychology … . Maroof is to be commended for his attempts to cover a very large amount of material in less than 100 pages. Further, this text is accessible, and students may find value in using Statistical Methods in Neuropsychology: Common Procedures Made Comprehensible to supplement more fully developed articles and texts that deal with neuropsychology and statistics.” (Thomas D. Parsons, PsycCRITIQUES, Vol. 58 (14), April, 2013)