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Main description:
Supporting students poses a significant challenge for nurses and midwives in today's practice. Recent concerns over the fitness to practice of students at the point of registration requires new approaches to practice learning, and the supervision and assessment of future practitioners. Based around the NMC's Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (2018), this book offers clear, practical advice on how to acquire and develop the knowledge and skills required to supervise and assess a range of students in practice. It explores challenging issues, such as learners in difficulty, and considers how to develop resilience and wellbeing from the perspective of both the student and the supervisor and assessor.
Chapter 1: Introduction to supervision and assessment in practice
Chapter 2: Learning culture
Chapter 3: Educational governance and quality
Chapter 4: Student empowerment
Chapter 5: Supervisors, assessors and educators
Chapter 6: Curricula and assessment
Chapter 7: Students in difficulty
Chapter 8: Developing yourself as a supervisor and/or assessor
Publisher: Learning Matters Ltd
Publication date: December, 2018
Pages: 192
Weight: 490g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Nursing
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