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Main description:
Get the most out of your textbook with this helpful study tool! Corresponding to the chapters in Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology, 7th Edition, this study guide has been completely revised by the textbook author, Marilyn Winterton Edmunds, and offers a rich variety of learning resources to help you master nursing pharmacology. Worksheets in each chapter enhance your understanding of important pharmacology concepts with short answer, matching, multiple-choice, and multiple-select questions, plus math review, dosage calculation, and new crossword puzzles. New Critical Thinking activities emphasize clinical decision-making and prioritization.
Correlation to the Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology textbook and Evolve resources reinforces key safety content such as drug interactions, allergic reactions, adverse drug responses, care of the older adult, and cultural considerations.
Review sheets help you remember common measures, formulas, and difficult concepts.
A variety of learning activities includes short answer, matching, multiple-choice, multiple-select, math review, dosage calculation, and critical thinking exercises.
Answers for all activities and questions may be found on the Evolve companion website.
Blank medication cards allow you to fill in important drug information to take along to clinicals.
Learning objectives and cross references to related materials are provided at the beginning of each chapter.
NEW! Increased emphasis on critical thinking, clinical decision-making, and prioritization encourages you to apply your knowledge with new research and practice application activities at the end of every chapter.
NEW! Updated questions and activities reflect the new content and emphases in the Edmunds textbook, Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology, 8th Edition.
Unit One: General Principles of Pharmacology
1. Pharmacology and the Nursing Process in LPN Practice
2. Patient Teaching and Health Literacy
3. Legal Aspects Affecting the Administration of Medications
4. Foundations and Principles of Pharmacology
5. Lifespan and Cultural Modifications
6. Self-Care: Over-the-Counter Products, Herbal Therapies, and Drugs for Health Promotion
Unit Two: Principles of Medication Administration
7. Preparing and Administering Medications
Unit Three: Drug Groups
8. Allergy and Respiratory Medications
9. Antiinfective Medications
10. Antivirals, Antiretrovirals, and Antifungal Medications
11. Antineoplastic Medications
12. Cardiovascular and Renal Medications
13. Central and Peripheral Nervous System Medications
14. Medications for Pain Management
15. Antiinflammatory, Musculoskeletal, and Antiarthritis Medications
16. Gastrointestinal Medications
17. Hematologic Products
18. Hormones and Steroids
19. Immunologic Medications
20. Topical Medications
21. Vitamins and Minerals
Medication Cards
Publisher: Elsevier (Mosby)
Publication date: January, 2015
Pages: 176
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Practice
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