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Main description:
In this volume, the authors will describe the mechanisms of hypoxia and angiogenesis from a systems perspective. Hypoxia – defined as low oxygen – is quantitative by nature, and species dependent. Humans evolved to function in the Earth’s atmosphere of 21% O2. At even 1% lower atmospheric oxygen levels, the body responds with a host of mechanisms unactivated in normal oxygen levels. Oxygen levels in cells can be altered by multiple means, including changes in inspired oxygen, lack of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin from the blood, increased cellular oxygen demand and changes in the cell growth rates.
Describes the mechanisms of hypoxia and angiogenesis from a systems biology perspective
An overview is given of how hypoxia alters the body at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organ levels
This book aims to present a wide range of exciting new data in a rapidly developing field
Publisher: Springer (Springer New York)
Publication date: July, 2016
Pages: 350
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Biochemistry, Cardiovascular Medicine, General Issues