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Main description:
For many years, sports medicine and health care practitioners have used taping and bracing for both the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries; consequently, specific protocols and techniques have evolved to ensure that the results are functional. With numerous methods available for orthopedic injuries, many texts go into all the applications in a given area or injury and leave readers wondering which one works best or is more useful. Taping, Wrapping, and Bracing for Athletic Trainers: Functional Methods for Application and Fabrication is a collection of some of the most commonly used and most functional taping, wrapping, and bracing techniques for orthopedic injuries.
Andy Grubbs has designed this text to not only show the best method(s) for a given area but to add another method to each clinician's bag of tricks. Taping, Wrapping, and Bracing for Athletic Trainers focuses on the most functional and useful methods in clinical settings and each application is performed in the proper manner to ensure functionality. With the step-by-step instructions, athletic trainers, coaches, and allied health care practitioners will gain comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to understand, reproduce and master the useful taping techniques. While this book offers material recommendations for each technique, it is important to understand that some taping techniques can be performed with a number of different types of taping materials.
Includes over 300 images
Videos accompany each technique to further capture application and assist in technique mastery
Covers basic anatomy and common injuries for each body region, as well as casting and splint making techniques
Offers material recommendations for each bracing and taping technique
Instructors in educational settings can visit www.efacultylounge.com for additional material to be used for teaching in the classroom.
Taping, Wrapping, and Bracing for Athletic Trainers: Functional Methods for Application and Fabrication will enhance any athletic training student or clinician's current techniques along with providing recommended applications for taping and bracing for both prevention and rehabilitation of injuries.
About the Editor
About the Associate Editors
About the Contributing Authors
Chapter 1 Foot and Ankle
Chapter 2 Lower Leg and Knee
Chapter 3 Hip and Thigh
Chapter 4 Shoulder and Elbow
Chapter 5 Forearm, Wrist, and Fingers
Chapter 6 Orthoplast
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: November, 2016
Pages: 225
Weight: 408g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Sports Medicine