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Main description:
Teaching and Learning in Physical Therapy: From Classroom to Clinic, Second Edition is based on the teaching, research, and professional experiences of Drs. Margaret Plack and Maryanne Driscoll, who together have over 60 years of experience. More importantly it contains practical information that allows students, educators, and clinicians to develop optimal instructional strategies in a variety of settings. Clinical scenarios and reflective questions are interspersed throughout, providing opportunities for active learning, critical thinking, and immediate direct application.
Grounded in current literature, the Second Edition is geared for physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, students, educators, and other health care professionals. By extending the principles of systematic effective instruction to facilitate critical thinking in the classroom and the clinic, and providing strategies to enhance communication and collaboration, the Second Edition has a strong theoretical basis in reflective practice, active learning strategies, and evidence-based instruction.
A user-friendly approach integrating theory and practical application throughout
Classroom/clinical vignettes along with integrative problem solving activities and reflective questions to reinforce concepts
Key points to remember and chapter summaries throughout
Updated references and suggested readings at the end of each chapter
Instructors in educational settings can visit www.efacultylounge.com for additional material to be used for teaching in the classroom.
In physical therapy, teaching and learning are lifelong processes. Whether you are a student, clinician, first time presenter, or experienced faculty member, you will find Teaching and Learning in Physical Therapy: From Classroom to Clinic, Second Edition useful for enhancing your skills both as a learner and as an educator in physical therapy.
About the Authors
Contributing Authors
Foreword by Michael Pagliarulo, PT, MA, EdD, BA, BS
Section I Who Are We as Teachers and Learners?
Chapter 1 Filters: Individual Factors That Influence Us as Teachers and Learners
Margaret M. Plack, PT, DPT, EdD and Maryanne Driscoll, PhD
Chapter 2 Reflection and Questions: Developing Self- Awareness and Critical Thinking for Continuous Improvement in Practice
Margaret M. Plack, PT, DPT, EdD and Maryanne Driscoll, PhD
Chapter 3 Communication and Conflict Negotiation: Facilitating Collaboration and Empowering Patients,
Family Members, and Peers
Margaret M. Plack, PT, DPT, EdD and Maryanne Driscoll, PhD
Chapter 4 The Brain: Translating Current Concepts in Brain Science to Inform the Practice of Teaching
and Learning
Margaret M. Plack, PT, DPT, EdD and Maryanne Driscoll, PhD
Section II Designing, Implementing, and Assessing Effective Instruction
Chapter 5 Systematic Effective Instruction 1: Keys to Designing Effective Presentations
Margaret M. Plack, PT, DPT, EdD and Maryanne Driscoll, PhD
Chapter 6 Systematic Effective Instruction 2: Going Beyond the Basics to Facilitate Higher- Order and
Critical Thinking
Elizabeth Ruckert, PT, DPT, NCS, GCS and Margaret M. Plack, PT, DPT, EdD
Chapter 7 Systematic Effective Instruction 3: Adapting Instruction for Varied Audiences and Formats
Margaret M. Plack, PT, DPT, EdD and Maryanne Driscoll, PhD
Chapter 8 Motor Learning: Optimizing Conditions for Teaching and Learning Movement
Joyce R. Maring, PT, DPT, EdD and Susan Joy Leach, PT, PhD, NCS, CEEAA
Chapter 9 Patient Education: Facilitating Behavior Change
Margaret M. Plack, PT, DPT, EdD and Maryanne Driscoll, PhD
Section III From Classroom to Clinic and Beyond
Chapter 10 Communities of Practice: Learning and Professional Identity Development in the Clinical
Margaret M. Plack, PT, DPT, EdD and Maryanne Driscoll, PhD
Chapter 11 The Learning Triad: Optimizing Supports and Minimizing Barriers to Learning in the Clinical
Margaret M. Plack, PT, DPT, EdD and Maryanne Driscoll, PhD
Chapter 12 Teaching and Learning in the Clinical Setting: Striving for Excellence in Clinical Practice
Aaron B. Rindflesch, PT, PhD, NCS; Heidi J. Dunfee, PT, DScPT; and Margaret M. Plack, PT, DPT, EdD
Chapter 13 Harnessing Technology: Enhancing Learning in the Clinic and the Classroom
Laurie J. Posey, EdD and Laurie B. Lyons, MA
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: January, 2017
Pages: 325
Weight: 1247g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Counselling & Therapy, Physiotherapy