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Textbook of Public Health Nutrition
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Main description:

The objective of the book is to provide students and researchers with information on the current global scenario regarding the well-known public health nutrition problems as well as to update them with the new emerging problems such as nutrition in reference to AIDS, non-communicable diseases and emerging situations.


Principles of epidemiology and epidemiologic methods; Nutrition epidemiology for developing countries; Under nutrition in children; Dual nutrition burden in woman: Causes, consequences, and control measures; Measuring under nutrition and over nutrition in children; Essential new-born care and child survival; Integrating breastfeeding in public health programming- scientific facts, current status and future directions; Complementary feeding of infants and young children; Diarrhoea and under nutrition; Severe acute malnutrition in children; Prevention and management of overweight and obesity in children; Vitamin A deficiency: Prevention and control; Vitamin A prevention and control programme in India - past efforts and current status; Iodine deficiency and iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) control program; National iodine deficiency disorders control programme of India; Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia in young children; Nutritional anaemia during pregnancy, early childhood and adolescence: The critical development periods; Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia in adolescent girls; Addressing micronutrient malnutrition through food fortification; Agriculture, food and nutrition security; Food and nutrition in natural and manmade disasters; Nutrition for the aged; Nutrition related non-communicable chronic disorders; Planning result- oriented public health nutrition programs: Theory and practice; Monitoring and evaluation of public health nutrition programmes; Nutrition- Health education and communication for improving women and child nutrition; Reducing malnutrition: An analysis of the integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme; National Rural Health Mission.


ISBN-13: 9781782422709
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Ltd
Publication date: January, 2014
Pages: 800
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Nutrition


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