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The Athletic Trainer's Guide to Differential Diagnosis
A Visual Learning Approach
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Main description:

As educators, we strive to teach students to think critically and to commit to a diagnosis, the ability to make that commitment is one of the most difficult steps for clinicians in training. With many possible injuries and conditions, and an equally large number of diagnostic elements, a clear and logical method is needed.

The Athletic Trainer's Guide to Differential Diagnosis: A Visual Learning Approach provides an approach that helps the reader sort through the possibilities and think about the clinical evaluation within a clinical thinking framework using a visual mapping approach.

The Athletic Trainer's Guide to Differential Diagnosis is not designed to be a "how-to" evaluation text. Rather, it is designed to create a framework that allows the reader to think differently about differential diagnoses, access existing knowledge in anatomy and clinical evaluation, and assess information for the purpose of making higher-order clinical decisions.

Dr. Andrew P. Winterstein and Sharon V. Clark have organized The Athletic Trainer's Guide to Differential Diagnosis by body part, as well as by location in the body. The reader will be able to examine the possible diagnoses by location and approach the evaluation in a more focused and organized fashion. This method of evaluation also allows the reader the opportunity to apply evidence-based principles to the clinical evaluation process.

The Athletic Trainer's Guide to Differential Diagnosis takes a visual learning approach with an emphasis on diagrams, tables, and boxes to illustrate the visual evaluation framework. In addition, each chapter offers a clinical case to provide a springboard for approaching the differential diagnosis process.

The Athletic Trainer's Guide to Differential Diagnosis: A Visual Learning Approach will enhance the athletic training student and clinician's critical thinking skills, as well as be an excellent resource for self-assessment and preparation for certification.


About the Authors
Foreword by Thomas Best, MD, PhD

Chapter 1 How to Use This Guide/The Learning Diagram Approach

Chapter 2 The Foot

Chapter 3 The Ankle and Lower Leg

Chapter 4 The Knee and Patellofemoral Joint

Chapter 5 The Hip

Chapter 6 The Spine

Chapter 7 The Shoulder

Chapter 8 The Elbow

Chapter 9 The Wrist and Hand

Chapter 10 The Head and Face

Chapter 11 The Abdomen and Thorax

Chapter 12 Learning Activities: Paper Patients and Case Studies

Appendix A Differential Diagnosis Templates
Appendix B... Clinical Findings Templates
Appendix C Bibliography



ISBN-13: 9781617110535
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: September, 2014
Pages: 250
Weight: 695g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Sports Medicine


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