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The Complete Textbook of Veterinary Nursing
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Main description:

The Complete Textbook of Veterinary Nursing has established itself as a recommended standard text for all veterinary nurses. It is designed both to satisfy the requirements of the syllabus studied by all student veterinary nurses and to provide a wide range of information for qualified nurses working in veterinary practice. This new second edition has been updated and revised to align it perfectly with the needs of a new generation of students.





  1. Ethics and Animal Welfare - James Yeates
  2. The Art of Communication. Kirsty Jones
  3. Legislation and the Veterinary Nurse - Suzanne May
  4. Canine and Feline Anatomy and Physiology - Sue Dallas
  5. Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Exotic Species - Victoria Aspinall
  6. Equine Anatomy and Physiology - Catherine Phillips
  7. Canine and Feline Nutrition - Alison Jones
  8. Clinical Nutrition - Alison Jones
  9. Equine Nutrition - Corinna Pippard
  10. Behaviour and Handling of the Dog and Cat - Jane Williams and Jocelyn Lander
  11. Equine Behaviour and Handling - Nicola Ackerman
  12. Restraint, Handling and Administration of Medicines to Exotic Species - Sharon Reid
  13. Introduction to Genetics - Dorothy Stables
  14. Practical Animal Handling - Dorothy Stables and Gareth Lawler.
  15. Essentials of Patient Care - Jessica Maughan
  16. Physiotherapy Techniques - Kirsty Gwynne
  17. Fundamental Pharmacology - Sally Bowden
  18. First Aid - Wendy Miller - Smith
  19. Prevention of Spread of the Infectious Diseases - Helen Harris and Amanda Rock.
  20. Common Medical Conditions of the Body Systems - Paula Hotston-Moore
  21. Principles of Surgical Nursing - Julie Ouston
  22. Theatre Practice - Emma Brooks
  23. High Dependency Nursing - Clare Cave
  24. Dentistry - Cecilia Gorrel
  25. Principles of Anaesthesia and Analgesia - Michael Stevenson
  26. Equine Anaesthesia - Anja Walker
  27. Parasitology - Maggie Fisher
  28. Microbiology - Helen Moreton
  29. Laboratory Diagnostic Aids - Lorraine Allen
  30. Principles of Diagnostic Imaging - Suzanne Easton
  31. Management and Care of Exotic Species - Beverly Shingleton and Sarah Cottingham
  32. Management and Care of Injured Wildlife - Louise Brockbank

Appendix 1 - Essential Calculations - Pip Millard

Appendix 2 - Normal Values

  • Extra chapters to be found on the Evolve Website:

    • Human Animal Interaction - The Place of the Companion Animal in Society - Andi Godfrey.

    • The Equine Industry - Anne Rogers.

    • Animal Housing - Trish Scorer

    • Stable and Design Management - Trish Scorer

    • Animal Grooming - Juliet Whatley


ISBN-13: 9780702053672
Publisher: Elsevier (Butterworth-Heinemann)
Publication date: September, 2012
Pages: 744
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Veterinary Medicine
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