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Main description:
Co-published with the Arthroscopy Association of North America, The Elbow and Wrist: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques is a comprehensive technique-based book that presents the latest diagnostic, excisional, and reconstructive techniques in arthroscopic surgery for the elbow and wrist.
The Elbow and Wrist: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques is led by premier arthroscopic surgeons Drs. Felix H. Savoie, Larry D. Field, Scott P. Steinmann, MD and their international list of expert contributors. This all-encompassing resource includes preferred physical examination testing and diagnostic imaging choices in pre-operative planning and patient selection, state of the art step-by-step description of the procedures, comprehensive surgical equipment lists to perform each procedure, clear and precise indications for surgery and the thoughtful rationale behind stated contraindications, controversial indications, post-op protocols, and potential complications.
The written text is supported by numerous color images and a website with invaluable, narrated video clips depicting disease specific arthroscopic techniques specific to the elbow and wrist.
Features inside The Elbow and Wrist: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques:
Narrated video accompanies all surgical techniques, focusing on the stepwise approach to each operation
Consistent organization throughout the book results in a bulleted and user-friendly interface for a quick reference or prolonged study
Top 5 technical Pearls of Practice for each procedure to enhance outcomes and to avoid common pitfalls and complications
High-quality artwork and figures to compliment clinical images
Equipment and surgical technique checklists for quick reference prior to surgery
Each expert contributor was chosen for his or her expertise for a specific topic related to The Elbow and Wrist, so the reader benefits by the highest quality and treatment recommendations to provide the most impactful care to his or her patient.
Some chapter topics include:
Degenerative Joint Disease of the Elbow: Arthroscopic Management
Open MUCL Reconstruction: The Andrews Technique
New Techniques: The Future of Elbow Arthroscopy
Arthroscopic Treatment of Distal Radius Fractures
Endoscopic CT Release: The Chow Technique
About the Editors
Contributing Authors
Foreword by Bernard F. Morrey, MD
Section I The Elbow: Basics
Chapter 1 Elbow Arthroscopy: Positioning, Setup, Anatomy, and Portals
William B. Stetson, MD
Chapter 2 Diagnostic Arthroscopy and Loose Body Removal
Michael J. O'Brien, MD and Felix H. Savoie III, MD
Chapter 3 Lateral Epicondylitis: Debridement, Repair, and Evaluation of Associated Pathology
Champ L. Baker III, MD; Bikramjit S. Grewal, MD; and Champ L. Baker Jr, MD
Chapter 4 Management of Medial Epicondylitis
Bernard F. Morrey, MD
Chapter 5 Plica Synovialis of the Elbow
Bernard F. Morrey, MD
Chapter 6 Olecranon Bursa Excision via Arthroscopy
Tyler R. Clark, MD; Michael J. O'Brien, MD; and Felix H. Savoie III, MD
Section II The Elbow: Advanced Procedures
Chapter 7 Arthroscopic Osteocapsular Arthroplasty
Matthew L. Ramsey, MD
Chapter 8 Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Elbow, Including Grafts via Arthroscopic and Mini-Open Techniques
Robert Nelson Mead, MD, MBA; Michael J. O'Brien, MD; and Felix H. Savoie III, MD
Chapter 9 Arthrofibrosis of the Elbow: Management via Arthroscopic and Arthroscopically Assisted Techniques
Philipp N. Streubel, MD and Mark S. Cohen, MD
Chapter 10 Degenerative Joint Disease of the Elbow: Arthroscopic Management
Scott P. Steinmann, MD and Brian Klika, MD
Chapter 11 Arthroscopic Synovectomy for Inflammatory Arthritis
Marc Prud'homme-Foster, MD, FRCSC and Graham J. W. King, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Chapter 12 Arthroscopic Radial Head Resection and Open Radial Head Replacement
William Desloges, MD, FRCSC and Graham J. W. King, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Chapter 13 Arthroscopic Radial Head Resection
Stephanie C. Petterson, MPT, PhD; Sarah Stelma, MD; and Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MS
Chapter 14 Arthroscopic and Open Radial Ulnohumeral Ligament Reconstruction for Posterolateral Rotatory Instability of the Elbow
Michael J. O'Brien, MD and Felix H. Savoie III, MD
Chapter 15 Arthroscopic and Open Treatment of the Throwing Elbow: The Docking Technique
Timothy Griffith, MD; Joshua S. Dines, MD; and David W. Altchek, MD
Chapter 16 Open Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction: The Andrews Technique
Chris S. Warrell, MD; Daryl C. Osbahr, MD; and James R. Andrews, MD
Chapter 17 Endoscopic Distal Biceps Repair
Lucas H. B. Walschot, MD, PhD; Joideep Phadnis, MBChB, MRCS, Dip Sports Med, FRCS (Tr and Gregory Bain, MBBS, FRACS, FA (Ortho)A, PhD
Chapter 18 Open Medial Ulnar Collateral Ligament Repair
Murphy P. Martin III, MD; Michael J. O'Brien, MD; and Felix H. Savoie III, MD
Chapter 19 Arthroscopic Triceps Repair
Jonathan D. Brown, MD; Michael J. O'Brien, MD; and Felix H. Savoie III, MD
Chapter 20 Arthroscopic Management of Elbow Fractures
Brent V. McCarty, MD; Michael J. O'Brien, MD; and Felix H. Savoie III, MD
Chapter 21 Rehabilitation of the Overhead Athlete's Elbow
Kevin E. Wilk, PT, DPT, FAPTA and Leonard C. Macrina, MSPT, SCS, CSCS
Chapter 22 Arthroscopic Ulnar Nerve Release
Scott P. Steinmann, MD and Rudy Kovachevich, MD
Chapter 23 New Techniques: The Future of Elbow Arthroscopy
Akash Sabharwal, MBBS, MS, M.Ch Orthopedics; Joideep Phadnis, MBChB, MRCS, Dip Sports Med, FRCS (Tr and Gregory Bain, MBBS, FRACS, FA (Ortho)A, PhD
Section III The Elbow: Complications
Chapter 24 Avoiding Complications in Elbow Arthroscopy
Patrick M. O'Brien, MD; E. Rhett Hobgood, MD; and Larry D. Field, MD
Chapter 25 Early Arthroscopic Management of Heterotopic Ossification of the Elbow
Felix H. Savoie III, MD; Michael J. O'Brien, MD; and Matthew Wert, MD
Section IV The Wrist: Basics
Chapter 26 Wrist Arthroscopy: Setup, Anatomy, and Portals
Jeffrey B. Witty, MD; Larry D. Field, MD; and Brandon P. Donnelly, MD
Chapter 27 Diagnostic Wrist Arthroscopy
Jeffrey B. Witty, MD; Larry D. Field, MD; and Brandon P. Donnelly, MD
Chapter 28 Wrist Arthroscopy: Triangular Fibrocartilage Debridement and Arthroscopically Assisted Ulnar Shortening
Daniel J. Nagle, MD, FACS, FAAOS and Alex Soneru, MD
Chapter 29 Arthroscopic Excision of Dorsal Wrist Ganglions
A. Lee Osterman, MD and Ashkon Razavi, MD
Section V The Wrist: Advanced Procedures
Chapter 30 Lunotriquetral Tears
Mike Moskal, MD
Chapter 31 Arthroscopic Treatment of Scapholunate Instability and Indications and Techniques for Arthroscopic Management of Scapholunate Injuries
Scott P. Steinmann, MD and Julie E. Adams, MD
Chapter 32 Midcarpal Instability: Arthroscopic Techniques
David J. Slutsky, MD
Chapter 33 Arthroscopic Management of Displaced Intra-Articular Distal Radius Fractures
William B. Geissler, MD and Aaron M. Weber, DO
Section VI Wrist Arthroscopy: Special Techniques
Chapter 34 Carpal, Metacarpal, and Phalangeal Fractures
Michael P. Gaspar, MD; Brian D. Norton, MD; Randall W. Culp, MD; and
A. Lee Osterman, MD
Chapter 35 Arthroscopic Treatment of Wrist Arthritis
Stephanie C. Petterson, MPT, PhD; Michael L. Mangonon, DO;
and Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MS
Chapter 36 Arthroscopic Proximal Row Carpectomy
Randall W. Culp, MD; Michael P. Gaspar, MD; Eric S. Wroten, MD; and
Jennifer A. Hertz, MD
Chapter 37 Arthroscopic Treatment of Trapeziometacarpal Degenerative Joint Disease
Julie E. Adams, MD
Chapter 38 Arthroscopy of the Metacarpophalangeal and Proximal Interphalangeal Joints for Degenerative Joint Disease
Alejandro Badia, MD, FACS and Juan Manuel RIos Ruh, MD
Chapter 39 Arthroscopic Management of Acute Scaphoid Fractures and Nonunions
William B. Geissler, MD and Aaron M. Weber, DO
Chapter 40 The Future: Endoscopic Surgery of the Wrist and Forearm
Gregory Bain, MBBS, FRACS, FA (Ortho)A, PhD and Bhavin Jadav, MBBS, MS (Ortho)
Section VII The Wrist: Carpal Tunnel Release
Chapter 41 Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release: The Chow Technique
James C. Y. Chow, MD
Section VIII The Wrist: Complications
Chapter 42 Avoiding Complications in Wrist Arthroscopy
Benjamin Graves, MD; D. Nicole Deal, MD; Cuney Tamam, MD; and Gary Poehling, MD
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: December, 2015
Pages: 300
Weight: 1364g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Orthopaedics and Fractures, Rehabilitation