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The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine
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Main description:

This new, third edition of The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine is a ground-breaking initiative from the European Society of Cardiology that transforms reference publishing in cardiovascular medicine to better serve the changing needs of the global cardiology community. Providing the background information behind clinical practice and the ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines, this publication is an invaluable resource for cardiologists across the world.

Overseen by Professors A. John Camm, Thomas F. Lüscher, Gerald Maurer, and Patrick W. Serruys, supported by an editorial board of subject experts, and with more than 1000 of the world's leading specialists - from researchers to clinicians - contributing, this dynamic encyclopaedic resource covers more than 63 disciplines within cardiology. Split into six parts: Introduction to the cardiovascular system; Investigations; Heart diseases; Vascular disease; Specific populations - gender and
race; and Other aspects of Cardiology, The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine gives readers a trustworthy insight into all aspects of cardiovascular medicine.

To respond nimbly to the rapid evolution of the field, the textbook is also published online in an innovative digital version, titled ESC CardioMed. This digital resource is continually updated by the author teams. With expert editors and authors, and stringent peer-review, it combines the discoverability of digital with the higest standards of academic publishing. Highly illustrated, with embedded multi-media features, along with cross-referenced links to the ESC Clinical Practice
Guidelines, related content, and primary research in the European Heart Journal, ESC CardioMed provides users with a dynamic, forward-thinking resource, at the heart of cardiology.

As a continually evolving knowledge base, The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, together with the online counterpart ESC CardioMed, equips all cardiologists - from trainees and consultants, to device specialists and allied healthcare professionals - with a powerful, multi-faceted resource covering all aspects of cardiovsacular medicine.


ISBN-13: 9780198784906
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP Oxford)
Publication date: December, 2018
Pages: 2496
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Cardiovascular Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Diseases and Disorders, Radiology


Average Rating 

[Praise for Previous Editions] It is a tour the force, to which everyone in cardiology, Europe-wide, should either possess or readily have access. [Praise for Previous Editions] The bible for trainees and trained cardiologists alike. [Praise for Previous Editions] The figures are all beautifully rendered in colour, and can each be downloaded into a PowerPoint slide - which is very helpful for academic physicians or residents giving presentations...The chapters...provide excellent, comphrensive information, together with concise descriptions of key studies with the emphasis on the practical care of patients. [Praise for Previous Editions] This excellent and comprehensive resource is an essential book for cardiologists.