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Main description:
The History and Bioethics of Medical Education: "You've Got to Be Carefully Taught" continues the Routledge Advances in the History of Bioethics series by exploring approaches to the teaching of bioethics from disparate disciplines, geographies, and contexts. Van Rensselaer Potter coined the phrase "Global Bioethics" to define human relationships with their contexts. This and subsequent volumes return to Potter's founding vision from historical perspectives and asks, how did we get here from then? The patient-practitioner relationship has come to the fore in bioethics; this volume asks: is there an ideal bioethical curriculum? Are the students being carefully taught and, in turn, are they carefully learning? This volume will appeal to those working in both clinical medicine and the medical humanities, as vibrant connections are drawn between various ways of knowing.
Introduction: "You've Got to Be Carefully Taught" Part 1: The Ethical Toolkit: Pedagogical Responses and Meaning-Making in Bioethics 1. Bioethics Teaching Methodology for Medical Residents, and Nursing and Biomedical Engineering Students 2. The Impact of Clinical Simulations in Pharmacy Ethics Education 3. Approaches to the Teaching of Bioethics to Bioscience Students 4. Engaging with Experiences of Stigma to Enhance Bioethics Education for Medical Learners Part 2: Bioethics and "Place": Challenges and Responsibilities 5. Bioethics as a Window to a Critical and Global Way of Life 6. The (Country) Road Not Often Taken: Challenging Traditional Norms and Assumptions in Bioethics 7. Complementary/Alternative Medicine (C.A.M.): An Entree to Medical Humanities/Ethics 8. Ethical Concepts in Clinical Decision-Making and Ethics Teaching Part 3: Being a Doctor: Acting, Reflecting, and Refracting 9. Bio(po)ethics - Didactic Inspirations 10. Doctors' White Coats, the White Coat Ceremony, and Medical Oath-Taking in Historical and Institutional Context 11. Revisiting the Value of Empathy for Bioethics Education 12. Textbook Professionalism: The Transmission of Medical Knowledge in The Early Eighteenth Century
Publisher: Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
Publication date: January, 2023
Pages: 266
Weight: 517g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Ethics