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The Hospital for Sick Children Atlas of Pediatrics
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Main description:

This book provides the opportunity to "observe" a wide variety of pediatric conditions that practitioners may come into contact with in their practices. In covering all the major fields of pediatrics, this atlas gives the student of pediatrics a view of the common and not so common conditions affecting newborns, children, and adolescents. In this era of rapid growth in medical knowledge, technology, and testing it is imperative that the importance of the physical examination and the art of observation of the patient not be forgotten. The book deliberately attempts to limit textual information as much as possible and focus instead on tables and illustrations to depict differential diagnoses and approaches to diagnosis and management. Furthermore, this atlas provides a great deal more information on the management of specific disorders than some of the other excellent pediatric atlases that are currently available.


Provides the opportunity to "observe” a wide variety of pediatric conditions that practitioners may come into contact with in their practices

Gives the student of pediatrics a view of the common and not so common conditions affecting newborns, children, and adolescents

Hundreds of high quality images in step with the latest developments in medicine

World-renowned authors from a variety of medical disciplines

Hand-drawn illustrations

In-depth explanation for each image


Clinical Genetics.- Metabolic Genetics.-Neonatology.- Developmental Pediatrics.- Neurology.- Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology.- Infectious Diseases.-Hematology.- Oncology.- Dermatology.- Ophthalmology.- Dentistry.- Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery.- Respirology.- Cardiology.- Endocrinology.-Nephrology.- Urology.- Pediatric Gynecology.- General Surgery.- Gastroenterology and Hepatology.- Allergy and Immunology.- Rheumatology.- Orthopedics.- Plastic Surgery.- Child Abuse.


ISBN-13: 9781573401883
Publisher: Springer (Current Medicine Group)
Publication date: June, 2006
Pages: 519
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Paediatrics and Neonatal


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