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The Living Tree
Traditional Medicine and Public Health in China and India
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Main description:

This volume examines the various issues in access to health issues and the role of intellectual property rights in access to drugs and the scope for using traditional medicine in public health. A team of experts from China, India, UK, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway and the Philippines have contributed to this volume. The volume examines Health Impact Fund, a mechanism that is proposed to incentivise R&D in neglected diseases and enhance access to drugs, and analyses how China and India can cooperate in traditional medicine sector besides providing reviews on the status of traditional medicine in both countries and the challenges before that sector in China and India in regulation, intellectual property rights and industrial policy. This is a unique volume that makes a significant contribution to the debates on access to medicine and role of traditional medicine in public health.


Foreword A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Preface Biswajit Dhar
Health Sector Challenges, Traditional Medicines and India China Collaboration
Section I: Health Impact Fund
1. The Health Impact Fund: Issues and Challenges
2. Stakeholder Views Regarding the Objectives and Implementation of the HIF
3. Health Impact of New Pharmaceutical Pro-ducts in the Context of Health Impact Funds
4. Gender-based Barriers to Access to Health Care and Medicine: The Case of India and China
Section II: India
5. Intellectual Property Rights and Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Experience in China and What India can learn from that
6. Dynamics of Traditional Medicine Industry: Issues in Trade, Technology and Standards
7. Regulatory Guidelines for Traditional Medicines in India
8. Traditional Medicine and Intellectual Property Policies
Section III: China
9. China-India Cooperation on Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Medicines
10. Industrial Development: External Trade and R&D of Traditional Chinese Medicine
11. Traditional Drug: Standard and Basic Medicine System of China
12. Public Health Problem and Development of Traditional Medicine
Section IV: Conclusion
13. Potential or China-India Cooperation and HIF: Concluding Remarks and Policy Recommendations


ISBN-13: 9789332700833
Publisher: Academic Foundation
Publication date: August, 2014
Pages: 364
Weight: 456g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Issues, Public Health


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