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Main description:
This book follows the tradition initiated in 1963, molecule approaches. New theoretical frameworks then subsequently extended in 1978 and 1995, of have had to keep pace with such technical devel- summarizing our knowledge of the photototrophic ments. Through the use of atomic force microscopy bacteria in a single volume. The ? rst book was Bac- it has been possible to examine the organization of terial Photosynthesis (Howard Gest, Anthony San clusters of individual light-harvesting and reaction Pietro and Leo P. Vernon, eds), 1963, Antioch Press, center complexes in their native membranes. We are Y ellow Springs, Ohio. Fifteen years later, Roderick K. now beginning to see how the properties of native and Clayton and William R. Sistrom edited The Photosyn- modi? ed photosynthetic complexes can be harnessed thetic Bacteria (1978, Plenum Press, New York), an on the nanoscale for the design of biologically-- indispensable book for any scientist in the ? eld at that spired energy and electron transfer devices. In ad- time.
In 1995, Robert Blankenship, Michael Madigan tion to these advances, we are reminded that many and Carl Bauer edited the most complete survey of new phototrophic bacteria are still being discovered, the subject, Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria. By and although it has been 45 years since the ? rst book that time, the book had been taken under the wing on these bacteria appeared, there is much that we do of the Advances in Photosynthesis Series, initiated not know or understand.
Part 1: Physiology, Evolution and Ecology: 1 An Overview of Purple Bacteria: Systematics, Physiology, and Habitats.-2 New Light on Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophs.-3 Evolutionary Relationships Among Purple Photosynthetic Bacteria and the Origin of Proteobacterial Photosynthetic Systems.- Part 2: Biosynthesis of Pigments, Cofactors and Lipids: 4 Biosynthesis of Bacteriochlorophylls in Purple Bacteria.-5 Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Biosynthesis in the Purple Bacteria.- 6 Distribution and Biosynthesis of Carotenoids.-7 Membrane Lipid Biosynthesis in Purple Bacteria.-Part 3: Antenna Complexes: Structure, Function and Organization: 8 Peripheral Complexes of Purple Bacteria.-9 Reaction Center-Light-Harvesting Core Complexes of Purple Bacteria.-10 Structure-Function Relationships in Bacterial Light-Harvesting Complexes Investigated by Reconstitution Techniques.-11 Spectroscopic Properties of Antenna Complexes from Purple Bacteria.-12 Energy Transfer from Carotenoids to Bacteriochlorophylls.-13 Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Excitation Transfer and Trapping in Purple Bacteria.-14 Organization and Assembly of Light-Harvesting Complexes in the Purple Bacterial Membrane.-15 From Atomic-level Structure to Supramolecular Organization in the photosynthetic Unit of Purple Bacteria.-Part 4: Reaction Centre Structure and Function: 16 Structural Plasticity of Reaction Centers from Purple Bacteria.-17 Structure and Function of the Cytochrome c2:Reaction Center Complex from Rhodobacter sphaeroides.-18 Directed Modification of Reaction Centers from Purple Bacteria.-19 Mechanism of Charge Separation in Purple Bacterial Reaction Centers.-20 The Acceptor Quinones of Purple Photosynthetic Bacteria- Structure and Spectroscopy.-Part 5: Cyclic Electron Transfer Components and Energy Coupling Reactions: 21 Biogenesis of c-type Cytochromes and Cytochrome Complexes.-22 Structural and Mutational Studies of the Cytochrome bc1 Complex.-23 The Cytochrome bc1and Related bc Complexes: The Rieske/Cytochrome b Complex as the Functional Core of a Central Electron/Proton Transfer Complex.-24 Proton Translocation and ATP Synthesis by the FoF1-ATPase of Purple Bacteria.-25 Proton-Translocating Transhydrogenase in Photosynthetic Bacteria.-26 Functional Coupling Between Reaction Centers and Cytochrome bc1 Complexes.-Part 6: Metabolic Processes: 27 Respiration and Respiratory Complexes.- 28 Carbon Dioxide Metabolism and its Regulation in Nonsulfur Purple Photosynthetic Bacteria.- 29 Degradation of Aromatic Compounds by Purple Nonsulfur Bacteria.-30 Metabolism of Inorganic Sulfur Compounds in Purple Bacteria.-31 Dissimilatory and Assimilatory Nitrate Reduction in the Purple Photosynthetic Bacteria.-32 Swimming and Behavior in Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria.-33 Metals and Metalloids in Photosynthetic Bacteria: Interactions, Resistance and Putative Homeostasis Revealed by Genome Analysis.-Part 7: Genomics, Regulation and Signalling:34 Purple Bacterial Genomics.- 35 Regulation of Gene Expression in Response to Oxygen Tension.-36 Regulation of Genes by Light.-37 Regulation of Hydrogenase Gene Expression.-38 Regulation of Nitrogen Fixation.-39 Regulation of the Tetrapyrrole Biosynthetic Pathway.-40 Bacteriophytochromes Control Photosynthesis in Rhodopseudomonas palustris.-41 Photoreceptor Proteins from Purple Bacteria.-Part 8: New Applications and Techniques: 42 Foreign Gene Expression in Photosynthetic Bacteria.-43 Assembly of Bacterial Light Harvesting Complexes on Solid Substrates.-44 Optical Spectroscopy of Individual Light-Harvesting Complexes from Purple Bacteria.-45 De novo Designed Bacteriochlorophyll-Binding Helix-Bundle Proteins.-46 Design and Assembly of Functional Light-Harvesting Complexes.-47 The Supramolecular Assembly of the Photosynthetic Apparatus of Purple Bacteria Investigated by High-Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy.-48 Protein Environments and Electron Transfer Processes Probed with
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: September, 2008
Pages: 1068
Weight: 2396g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Biochemistry
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