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Main description:
Paxinos and Petrides' The Rhesus Monkey Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates is the most comprehensive and accurate atlas of the monkey brain currently available. The fourth edition of this classic book will be a complete revision, featuring many improvements and upgrades. Containing coronal diagrams and accompanying photographic plates spaced at 120 m intervals, this atlas follows the same nomenclature and abbreviations conventions as the mouse, rat, chicken, and human brain atlases published under George Paxinos' leadership. This atlas is suitable for researchers who work with both monkeys and humans. Constructed by the established leaders in neuroanatomical atlas development, the new edition will again be the indispensable resource for all scientists working on the primate nervous system.
1. Introduction
2. Stereotaxic Surgery
3. Histology
4. Photography
5. Stereotaxic Reference System
6. The Basis of Delineation of Structures
7. References
8. Index of Abbreviations
9. Plates
10. List of Structures
Publisher: Elsevier (Academic Press Inc)
Publication date: March, 2024
Pages: 450
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Neuroscience