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Main description:
Corneal refractive surgeons are likely already familiar with the theory behind small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) and the excellent postoperative outcomes it can achieve, but they were left without a thorough and comprehensive guide to performing the procedure, until now. The Surgeon's Guide to SMILE: Small Incision Lenticule Extraction is designed to provide surgeons who are interested in starting or are already performing SMILE with a detailed description of the preoperative assessment, surgical technique, and postoperative management of SMILE treatments.
This book by Professor Dan Z. Reinstein, Mr. Timothy J. Archer, and Dr. Glenn I. Carp is designed as a surgical video-fellowship, focusing on the granular details of every aspect of patient preparation and management with special attention to how to perform a perfect routine SMILE procedure. The protocols and methods are sourced in both the published scientific evidence and the extensive experience and expertise of the authors. It also includes tips and tricks of how to manage the full range of possible scenarios and complications that can occur during and after a SMILE surgery. Each process described in the book is accompanied by at least one, and in many cases numerous, narrated video examples.
This dynamic learning tool is supplemented by the SMILE video library containing over 16 hours of surgical videos and tutorials.
The succinct and demonstrative style of The Surgeon's Guide to SMILE: Small Incision Lenticule Extraction will help novice and experienced SMILE surgeons alike learn important techniques and improve their outcomes.
About the Authors
Foreword by J. Bradley Randleman, MD
Foreword by
John Marshall, MBE, BSc (Hons), PhD, FMedSci, FRCPath, FRSB, CSci, DSc2(Hon),
FRCOphth (Hon), FCOptom (Hon), FARVO, FLIA, FRSA
Chapter 1 The VisuMax and SMILE
Chapter 2 Preoperative Assessment
Chapter 3 SMILE Surgery Planning and VisuMax Software
Chapter 4 Patient and Laser Preparation
Chapter 5 Docking, Centration, and Cyclotorsion
Chapter 6 Femtosecond Laser Cutting (Photodisruption)3
Chapter 7 Energy and Spot Spacing Settings: Impact on Femtosecond Bubble Pattern
Chapter 8 SMILE Surgical Instruments
Chapter 9 Lenticule Separation and Extraction
Chapter 10 Non-Routine Situations During Lenticule Interface Separation
Chapter 11 Postoperative Management
Chapter 12 Postoperative Complications and Management
Chapter 13 Retreatments
Chapter 14 Therapeutic Refractive Surgery
Chapter 15 Adaptations for United States SMILE Parameters (2017)
Chapter 16 Recommended Standard Treatment Protocol for SMILE
Chapter 17 Surgeon Patter During SMILE
Chapter 18 Treatment Planning for SMILE
Chapter 19 Assisting Nurse Responsibilities During SMILE
Financial Disclosures........................................................................................................................................................................... 417
Index....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 419
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: April, 2018
Pages: 300
Weight: 1488g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Ophthalmology and Optometry