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The United States Health Care System
Combining Business, Health, and Delivery
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Main description:

UNITED STATES HEALTH CARE SYSTEM, THE: COMBINING BUSINESS, HEALTH, AND DELIVERY, 2/e is the most readable, student-friendly overview of the US healthcare system. Written simply and informally, it focuses on breadth rather than non-essential depth, giving even inexperienced students the knowledge they need to succeed. It addresses these questions: "What is this business called healthcare?" "How do we pay for healthcare?" "Who provides healthcare?" and "Where and how is healthcare provided?" as well as related issues ranging from pharmaceuticals to research and prevention. This edition is fully updated for the latest trends, including the 2010 healthcare reform legislation and the newest available statistics. It also adds new chapters on ethics, as well as extensive new coverage of business careers in healthcare.


PART I. OVERVIEW AND PAYMENT 1. Health and Healthcare in America: An Introduction 2. The Business Side of Healthcare 3. The Payment Process: Insurance and Third-Party Payers 4. The Payment Process: Government Payment Programs PART II. EMPLOYMENT IN HEALTHCARE 5. Healthcare Providers: Physicians and Nurses 6. Other Clinical and Non-Clinical Healthcare Providers PART III. THE DELIVERY SYSTEMS 7. Offices, Clinics, and Hospitals 8. Tertiary Care: The Long-Term Care Continuum 9. Mental Health Services: A Combination of Systems 10. The Public Health System: The Government,s Role PART IV. HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY AND ISSUES 11. Medical Technology, Pharmaceuticals, and Pharmacological Research 12. Healthcare Research and Prevention 13. Cultural Competency, Health Literacy, and Healthcare Ethics 14. International Healthcare Glossary Index


ISBN-13: 9780131391567
Publisher: Pearson (Prentice-Hall)
Publication date: February, 2011
Pages: 240
Dimensions: 204.00 x 254.00 x 8.00
Weight: 381g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Practice


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