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Main description:
THE U.S. HEALTH SYSTEM offers not only an historical perspective detailing the origins of our health care system, but also discusses the forces that changed and shaped our system into what it is today. Underlying the comprehensive information on health care costs, finance, access, delivery and reform, is the ethical question of whether health care is a right or a privilege. You'll find real-world stories of health care organizations that must deal with delivery and financing of services, as well as references to web sites for further information. Each chapter poses topics for further debate in a Question of Ethics and provides hands-on exercises in the Activity-Based Learning sections. Exhibits in each chapter will stimulate discussion on the various chapter topics.
1. Introduction.
2. Health Care Costs.
3. Paying for Health Care Services.
4. Health Status and Health Care Utilization.
5. Medical Education.
6. Professions in Health Care.
7. Ambulatory Care.
8. Hospitals.
9. Mental Health Services.
10. Long-Term Care.
11. Public Health - The Health of the Community.
12. Information Management Systems.
13. Current Issues in Health Care Delivery.
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning
Publication date: January, 2010
Pages: 304
Dimensions: 206.00 x 240.00 x 14.00
Weight: 620g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Practice
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