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Therapy for Dysfunctional Spinal Joint
Using Arthrokinematic Approach
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Main description:

This book provides detailed guidance of the therapy for joint peripheral joint dysfunction patients. Among the techniques covered are the mechanism of rotation and treatment of deviated spinal column and methods of treatment for inflammatory lesions. In addition, no replacement surgery is needed since main lesion is spinal and sacroiliac joint. The book is written by recognized experts in orthopedic surgeon who run private practice for more than 30 years with many experiences in the U.S. It will serve as an up-to-date reference for the experienced general orthopaedists and an ideal source of information for all who wish to broaden their knowledge of and improve their skills in spinal joint dysfunction without physical therapy.


1 Radiographic diagnosis by measurements2 Osteoarthritis of the hip

3 Acute and chronic hip pain, predisposing to degenerative hip disease

4 Hip disorders in the childhood, aroused by spinal joint dysfunction and its therapy

5 Complication in total hip displacement, and treatment and tests

6 Osteoarthritis of the knee

7 Osteoarthritic knee with ligamentous contracture

8 Osteoarthritic knee with capsular contracture

9 Knee disorders evoked by spinal joint dysfunction and its treatment

10 Wrist and hand disorders aroused by spinal joint dysfunction and its treatment

11 SUG, local steroids injection into cervical joints, indications

12 Pain in elbow, wrist and finger joint

13 Spinal joint dysfunction in herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP) and its treatment

14 Spinal joint dysfunction in lumbar spinal canal stenosis and its treatment

15 Acute neck pain and chronic painful torticollis

16 Acute locking of the thoracic joint

17 Acute low back pain in young athletes

18 Spinal joint dysfunctions in upper half region and lower half region of the spinal joint

19 Spinal joint dysfunction in rheumatic diseases and its treatments

20 Fibromyalgia treatment by the therapy for spinal joint dysfunction in this disease

21 Temporomandibular joint disorder (N=20)

22 Neuralgia post herpes zoster

23 Spinal joint dysfunction in central nervous disease and its treatment

24 Compression fracture of vertebral body

25 Treatment of tremor and vertigo by the therapy for spinal joint dysfunction

26 Cervical headache

27 Thoracic outlet syndrome

28 The measurement in the joint of upper half of body for the disability and complications related to autonomic nervous system

29 Conclusion


ISBN-13: 9789811962851
Publisher: Springer (Springer Verlag, Singapore)
Publication date: June, 2024
Pages: None
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Orthopaedics and Fractures


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