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Transforming Health Care Through Information
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-Based on case studies, this book will be a great tool for students or professionals in medical informatics and health administration. -Released in 1995, the First Edition has sold 1,427 copies worldwide to date (1,110 US; 179 IC; 75 Bulk).


AcknowledgmentsPrefaceContributors Introduction: Case Studies in Technological ChangeGEMINI: The Life and Times of a Clinical Information System I. Organizational Change1. The Web Center: A Case Study in Strategy and Power2. Computers for Kids: Not All Fun and Games3. Managing Change4. Managing Success: An Information System Dilemma at Great Plains Healthcare II. Implementation5. Developing an Emergency Department Information System6. Implementation of OpChart in West Medical Building7. The Development of the Scientific Computing Center at Vanderbilt University8. Early Implementation Problems of an Integrated Information System Within the White Mountain University Health System9. Implementation of a Web Based Incident Reporting System at Legendary Health System 10. Managing Change III. Economics11. E3 at Vanderbilt University Medical Center12. Catch 22: The Case of Utilization Management's Return on Investment Evaluation13. Antimicrobial Utilization Program at the University of Central State Medical Center 14. CM Healthcare System: The Case of the Well-Aggregated Patient Data15. Building Consensus: Quality Improvement at Vesalius Health System (VHS) IV. Leadership Issues16. Strategic Informatics: Planning for the Future of AtlanticHealth17. Fix Pharmacy!18. Showdown in the Heart of Texas19. Mission Valley Medical Center Physicians Group Practice: The Rumor20. The DNA Donation Project21. Who's in Charge? V. Organizational and Interpersonal Conflict22. The Chief Residents Dilemma23. Death of a Committee24. Whose Job is it Anyway?25. Conflict and Leadership Change26. All for the want of a Plan27. Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail28. Founding Fathers Health Corporation: Idealism and the Bottom Line Index


ISBN-13: 9781441919496
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: February, 2010
Pages: 288
Dimensions: 156.00 x 234.00 x 15.00
Weight: 408g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Practice


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