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Main description:
Are you a student who has made the exciting decision to become an athletic trainer?
Are you a faculty member looking to share with your students lessons, tips, and examples of what they can expect from this challenging and rewarding profession?
Are you a new clinician just beginning your career and looking ahead to many fulfilling years of working with athletes?
Then True Stories from the Athletic Training Room is the perfect text for you.
True Stories from the Athletic Training Room is a collection of 35 true-to life stories shared by certified athletic trainers from their work in industrial settings, high schools, colleges, professional teams, and sports medicine clinics.
Brought together by Keith M. Gorse, Francis Feld and Robert O. Blanc, True Stories from the Athletic Training Room is organized by the five domains of athletic training:
Injury and Illness Prevention and Wellness Protection
Clinical Evaluation and Diagnosis
Immediate and Emergency Care
Treatment and Rehabilitation
Organizational and Professional Health and Well-being
With this user-friendly organization, readers will be able to easily find examples of any true story they could imagine. Each story features the actual occurrence as it was told by the certified athletic trainer and gives the readers an opportunity to get a genuine feel of what the athletic training profession is really all about, with just a turn of the page.
True Stories from the Athletic Training Room will provide athletic training students, faculty, and clinicians the closest thing to a crash-course by exposing them to a diverse array of true to life occurrences about the past and present of health care management in sports and active lifestyles.
List of Figures
About the Editors
Contributing Authors
Domain I Injury and Illness Prevention and Wellness Protection
True Story #1....... Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome in Collegiate Volleyball
Kate McCartney, MS, LAT, ATC
True Story #2....... Taking a Stand for the Health and Safety of Athletes
David H. Perrin, PhD, ATC, FNATA
True Story #3....... An Unknown Visitor
Larry Cooper, MS, LAT, ATC
True Story #4....... Returning a Complicated Exertional Heat Stroke Case
to Activity
Rebecca L. Stearns, PhD, ATC and Douglas Casa,
True Story #5....... Conference Planning Saves Lives
Valerie Herzog, EdD, LAT, ATC
True Story #6....... Newly Certified Football Outcome
Kevin Conley, PhD, LAT, ATC
True Story #7....... Hey Ref!
Marirose Radelet, MS, PT, LAT, ATC
True Story #8....... Guns at the Field
Marirose Radelet, MS, PT, LAT, ATC
True Story #9....... He Has What?
Robert O. Blanc, MS, LAT, ATC, EMT-P
Domain II Clinical Evaluation and Diagnosis
True Story #10..... This Wasn't in the Textbook
James Cerullo, PhD, ATC, CSCS
True Story #11..... A Complete Knee Dislocation
Peggy A. Houglum, PhD
True Story #12..... Always Find Out What They Are Doing in
Their Off Time
Mary Mundrane-Zweiacher, PT, ATC, CHT
True Story #13..... When Taking a Medical History, Don't Assume
Michael Hanley, ATC, LAT
True Story #14..... Being an Athletic Trainer and Father of a
Student Athlete
Jeff Shields, MEd, LAT, ATC, CEAS
True Story #15..... Think Horses, Not Zebras
Sarah Manspeaker, PhD, LAT, ATC
True Story #16..... Trust Your Education
Morgan Cooper Bagley, PhD, AT, ATC
True Story #17..... Bilateral Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear in a Female
Junior Varsity High School Basketball Player
Ryan Johnson, LAT, ATC
Domain III Immediate and Emergency Care
True Story #18..... Cervical Spine Management: Luck Meets
Robert J. Casmus, MS, ATC
True Story #19..... Preparing for "That Moment"
Kyle Johnston, MS, ATC, LAT, Blake LeBlanc, PT, DPT,
ATC, LAT, and Sam Zuege, MS, ATC, LAT
True Story #20..... The Eyes Have It
Francis Feld, DNP, CRNA, LAT, ATC, NRP
True Story #21..... Heat-Related Illness, Emergency Medicine
Ryan McGovern, MS, LAT, ATC
True Story #22..... Noncontact Knee Dislocation
Tim Dunlavey, MS, LAT, ATC
True Story #23..... Responding to an Emergency Situation:
Quick Decisions Make for Positive Outcomes
Tim Giel, MS, LAT, ATC
Domain IV Treatment and Rehabilitation
True Story #24..... Legal Risk in Return-to-Play for a Softball Pitcher
Timothy J. Henry, PhD, ATC
True Story #25..... What is Your Influence?
Larry Cooper, MS, LAT, ATC
True Story #26..... Ballistic Trauma in a Collegiate Football
Student Athlete
Giampietro L. Vairo, PhD, LAT, ATC
True Story #27..... Neck Injury With an Unexpected Outcome
Gaetano Sanchioli, MS, LAT, ATC, PES
True Story #28..... Tiger Pride and Perseverance
Randy McGuire, MS, ATC, LAT
Domain V Organizational and Professional Health and Well-being
True Story #29..... Catastrophic Events Affect All Involved
Paul A. Cacolice, PhD, LAT, ATC, CSCS
True Story #30..... Conflict in the Workplace
Adam Annaccone, EdD, ATC, CES, PES
True Story #31..... Death of an Athlete
Richard Burr, MS, LAT, ATC, CSCS
True Story #32..... The Value of Being Prepared for Emergencies
Keith M. Gorse, EdD, LAT, ATC
True Story #33..... An Athletic Trainer on a School Board
Bill Couts, LAT, ATC
True Story #34..... Murder in the Bluegrass
Al Green, MEd, LAT, ATC, EMT
True Story #35..... Vocational Discernment
Richard Ray, EdD, ATC
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: September, 2017
Pages: 250
Weight: 17g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Sports Medicine