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Understanding Type 2 Diabetes Anatomical Chart in Spanish (Comprendiendo la diabetes tipo 2)
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Main description:

Now available in Spanish, the Second Edition of our Understanding Type 2 Diabetes Anatomical Chart has been simplified for easier and faster comprehension. The chart defines type 2 diabetes and the role of glucose and insulin in the body, and lists symptoms, risk factors, and ways to control the disease.

This revised chart shows glucose molecules from the digestive system and insulin molecules from the pancreas traveling in a blood vessel. Illustrations visually compare a normal body cell to a body cell with diabetes and show when the cell develops a resistance to insulin, making it more difficult for glucose to enter the cell and leading to build-up of glucose in the blood vessel.

The chart textually and visually presents complications from the disease: heart disease, stroke, vascular disease, nerve damage (neuropathy), kidney disease (nephropathy), periodontal disease (gum disease and mouth infection), and eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy.

Available in Spanish and English.

Made in USA

Available in the following versions:
  •   20" x 26" heavy weight paper laminated with grommets at top corners     ISBN   9781587799563
  •   20" x 26" heavy weight paper                                                                               ISBN   9781587799556
  •   20" x 26" heavy weight paper laminated with grommets at top corners  Spanish          ISBN 9781587799587
  •   20" x 26" heavy weight paper    Spanish                                                                                 ISBN  9781587799570

Now available in Spanish, our Understanding Type 2 Diabetes Anatomical Chart defines type 2 diabetes and the role of glucose and insulin in the body, and lists symptoms, risk factors, and ways to control the disease.

This chart shows glucose molecules from the digestive system and insulin molecules from the pancreas traveling in a blood vessel. Illustrations visually compare a normal body cell to a body cell with diabetes and show when the cell develops a resistance to insulin, making it more difficult for glucose to enter the cell and leading to build-up of glucose in the blood vessel.

The chart textually and visually presents complications from the disease: heart disease, stroke, vascular disease, nerve damage (neuropathy), kidney disease (nephropathy), periodontal disease (gum disease and mouth infection), and eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy.


ISBN-13: 9781587799570
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (ACC)
Publication date: March, 2006
Pages: None
Weight: 0g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Endocrinology, General Issues, General Practice


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