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Pediatric Collections offers what you need to know - original, focused research in a snapshot approach.

Electronic cigarettes are the tobacco products most commonly used by youths in the United States. The use of e-cigarettes, also known as vaping or JUULing, is a public health epidemic that has reached every state, community and neighborhood in the nation and has threatened to wipe out the decades of progress made by public health experts in decreasing tobacco use. This custom collection compiles the most up-to-date information on e-cigarette topics that impact the pediatric population. Its reviews and research will assist pediatric health care providers identify and treat adolescent use and exposure to e-cigarettes.


A Public Health Crisis: Electronic Cigarettes, Vape and JUUL (Pediatrics, June 2019, 2018-2741)
Not Just "Harmless Water Vapor" (Blog, Oct. 15, 2019)
E-Cigarettes and Similar Devices (Pediatrics, February 2019, 2018-3652)
Adolescent Use of Different E-Cigarette Products (Pediatrics, October 2018, 2018-0260)
Flavored E-cigarette Use and Progression of Vaping in Adolescents (Pediatrics, November 2019, 2019-0789)
Study: Vaping among high school seniors doubled from 2017 to 2018 (AAP News, Dec. 17, 2018)
Trajectories of E-Cigarette and Conventional Cigarette Use Among Youth (Pediatrics, January 2018, 2017-1832)
Commentary: E-Cigarettes: A 1-Way Street to Traditional Smoking and Nicotine Addiction for Youth (Pediatrics, January 2018, 2017-2850)
Cannabis Concentrate Use in Adolescents (Pediatrics, September 2019, 2019-0338)
Commentary: Use of cannabis concentrates by adolescents (Pediatrics, September 2019, 2019-1256)
E-cigarette marketing exposure and subsequent experimentation among youth and young adults (Pediatrics, November 2019, 2019-1119)
Parental Smoking and E-Cigarette Use in Homes and Cars (Pediatrics, April 2019, 2018-3249)
Parental Smoking, E-Cigarette Use, and Smoke-Free Policies (Grand Rounds, July 2019, 42-1-9)
New Understanding of the Health Hazards of Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping (Pediatrics in Review, March 2020, 2019-0269)
Flashy, new tobacco device can lead teens to become lifelong smokers (AAP News, Parent Plus, July 24, 2019)
Adolescent E-Cigarette, Hookah, and Conventional Cigarette Use and Susbequent Marijuana Use (Pediatrics, September 2018, 2017-3616)
New Understanding of the Health Hazards of Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping (Pediatrics in Review, March 2020, 2019-0269)
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome From E-Cigarette Use (Pediatrics, June 2018, 2016-3927)
Epiglottis Associated With Intermittent E-Cigarette Use: The Vagaries of Vaping Toxicity (Pediatrics, March 2020, 2019-2399)
Anaerobic Necrotizing Pneumonia: Another Potential Life-threatening Complication of Vaping? (Pediatrics, March 2020, 2019-3204)
CDC: Vaping-related lung injuries linked to 64 deaths, 2,758 hospitalizations (update with latest numbers) (AAP News, Feb. 11, 2020)
CDC updates guidance on evaluating, treating patients with vaping-related lung injury (AAP News, Oct. 11, 2019)
CDC activates Emergency Operations Center in response to vaping-related illnesses (AAP News, Sept. 16, 2019)
Addiction expert offers insight on screening for e-cigarette use (AAP News, Nov. 5, 2018)


ISBN-13: 9781610024686
Publisher: Eurospan (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Publication date: August, 2020
Pages: 130
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Practice, Nursing, Paediatrics and Neonatal, Respiratory Medicine


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