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Venous and Lymphatic Diseases
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Main description:

With an invaluable selection of color images, this guide authoritatively covers the identification, assessment, pathophysiology, epidemiology, and treatment of disorders affecting the venous and lymphatic anatomy. Written by experts from several fields, this source considers topics including the management of deep venous thrombosis, chronic venous insufficiency, venous trauma, and surgical and pharmacologic therapies for these conditions.


BACKGROUND DATA. Historical Background. Venous and Lymphatic Anatomy. Physiology of the Veins and Lymphatics. Epidemiology of Venous Disorders. Health Economic and Quality of Life. Classification of Chronic Venous Disease and Outcome Assessment. ASSESSMENT AND INVESTIGATION. Clinical Assessment of Venous Disorders. Noninvasive Tests. Invasive Tests. Diagnosis of DVT. MANAGEMENT OF DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSIS. Pathophysiology. Epidemiology and Risk Factors for DVT and Postphlebitic Syndrome. Cancer and Thrombosis. Venous Thrombosis Prophylaxis. Thrombolysis for Acute DVT. Role of Surgery in DVT. IVC Filters. VARICOSE VEINS. Aetiology and Pathophysiology of Varicose Veins. Indications for Treatment: Symptoms and Skin Changes. Conservative Treatments: Medical/Drug Therapies/Sclerotherapy. Surgical Treatments. New Technologies/Day Care Strategies. Varicose Veins in Pregnancy. Thrombophlebitis. Medicolegal Aspects of Venous Surgery. CHRONIC VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY. Pathophysiology of Leg Ulceration. Compression Therapy and Nursing Care for Venous Leg Ulcers. Surgical Therapies for Chronic Venous Disease: Superficial Venous Surgery. Surgical Therapies: Deep Venous Surgery/Valve Transplantation/SEPS. Management of Deep Venous Obstruction/Endovascular Intervention and Surgery. OTHER VENOUS CONDITIONS. Upper Limb Venous Assessment and Paget-Schroetter Syndrome. Mesenteric Venous and Portal Vein Thrombosis. SVC Obstruction. Congenital Disorders of the Venous System, Venous Aneurysms and Venous Tumours. Popliteal Vein Entrapment. Management of Venous Trauma. LYMPHATIC DISORDERS. Lymphoedema: Clinical Features and Investigation: Role of Medical/Conservative Treatments. Surgical Treatment. Management of Chylous Ascites/Chylothorax


ISBN-13: 9780367390853
Publisher: Taylor & Francis (CRC Press)
Publication date: June, 2019
Pages: 584
Weight: 1084g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Cardiovascular Medicine, General Practice, Vascular


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