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Veterinary Periodontology
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Main description:

Veterinary Periodontology is a comprehensive yet user-friendly reference on periodontal disease in dogs and cats, encompassing etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical features. Emphasizing clinical management of this common dental disease, this book covers basic as well as advanced treatments, offering practical instruction on therapeutic procedures. Veterinary Periodontology builds on existing human-based knowledge to provide veterinary-specific information on the periodontal disease process, therapies, patient management, and instrumentation. The book presents detailed information in an accessible format, including numerous step-by-step procedures for use in the clinic. Full-color images aid in comprehension. Veterinary Periodontology is beneficial for anyone who practices veterinary dentistry, including specialists, general practitioners, students, and technicians.


Contributors vi Reviewers vii Preface viii Section 1 Understanding the disease process 1 1 The structure and function of the periodontium 3 Kevin Stepaniuk and James E. Hinrichs 2 Etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal disease 18 3 Bacteriology of periodontal disease 35 Colin E. Harvey Section 2 The progression of disease 39 4 Gingivitis 41 5 Periodontitis 51 6 Local and regional consequences of periodontal disease 69 7 Systemic manifestations of periodontal disease 81 8 Unusual forms of periodontal disease 91 Section 3 Initial therapy of periodontal disease 105 9 Dental radiology for periodontal disease 107 Jerzy Gawor 10 The complete dental cleaning 129 11 Advanced non-surgical therapy 154 12 Local antibiotic usage 170 13 Home plaque control 175 14 Antibiotics in periodontal disease 186 R. Michael Peak Section 4 Periodontal surgical techniques 191 15 Gingival surgery 193 16 Periodontal flap surgery 206 17 Treatment of the exposed root surface 249 18 Osseous surgery and guided tissue regeneration 254 Brook A. Niemiec and Robert Furman 19 Furcation involvement and treatment 289 Paul Theuns Section 5 Related topics 297 20 Host modulation therapies 299 21 Patient management for periodontal therapy 305 Brett Beckman Section 6 Periodontal instrumentation 313 22 Periodontal hand instruments 315 23 Mechanical scalers 324 24 Other power equipment used in periodontology 330 Appendices 1 AVDC-Approved abbreviations 334 2 Dental charts 340 3 Sharpening 343 4 Resources 346 5 Plaque and calculus indices 348 Index 349


ISBN-13: 9780813816524
Publisher: Iowa State University Press
Publication date: December, 2012
Pages: 368
Dimensions: 279.00 x 288.00 x 23.00
Weight: 1198g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Veterinary Medicine


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