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What Every Speech-language Pathologist/Audiologist Should Know About Service Learning
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Main description:

As part of the innovative What Every Speech-Language Pathologist/Audiologist Should Know series, this primer shows students how to conduct and complete a successful service-learning project using a proven step-by-step approach. Using examples of service-learning projects and "how-to" strategies throughout, What Every Speech-Language Pathologist/Audiologist Should Know about Service-Learning breaks the service-learning project down into manageable segments, including the process of selecting a site, specifying duties, and completing the project. Sample procedures, tools, forms, and contracts model how to conduct successful service-learning projects and the text is filled with critical supports for faculty, supervising clinicians and students.


1. What Is Service-Learning (SL)? Introduction Defining Service-Learning Essential Elements of Service-Learning 2. SL in Communication Sciences & Disorders A Service-Learning Project Model for Communication Sciences & Disorders Practice-Oriented Projects Policy-Oriented Projects 3. Key Players & Common SL Expectations Students Community Partner Personnel University Faculty Members / Course Instructors 4. Evidence of Learning: Sample SL Project Detailed Service-Learning Project Example: TeenTech 5. Model SL Project Components & Procedures Service-Learning Project Stages Suggested Tools for Successful Service-Learning Projects Wrap-Up 6. Sample Service-Learning Forms Appendix A Sample Service-Learning Project Descriptions Appendix B Sample Service-Learning Project Contract Appendix C Sample Service-Learning Activity Hour Log Appendix D Weekly Reflection Tool Appendix E Sample Service-Learning Agency Evaluation Form Appendix F Sample Service-Learning Self-/Peer Evalu


ISBN-13: 9780132485951
Publisher: Allyn & Bacon
Publication date: September, 2011
Pages: 64
Dimensions: 152.00 x 229.00 x 13.00
Weight: 104g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Counselling & Therapy


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