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Main description:
Athletic trainers often find themselves immersed in organizations that can critically influence the way in which they fulfill their professional obligations. The workplace can offer many situations that are challenging, particularly for those athletic trainers who are transitioning into clinical practice.
With that in mind, Workplace Concepts for Athletic Trainers provides readers with clear and meaningful information that addresses common concepts and issues that occur in the workplace. The topics selected are a reflection of those covered in the literature as problematic yet identifiable and manageable. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and includes a discussion of the issue itself, how it manifests (sources and antecedents), and strategies and solutions to address the concern.
Inside Workplace Concepts for Athletic Trainers, Drs. Stephanie M. Mazerolle and William A. Pitney have infused each chapter with case studies to help readers apply the information presented. The conclusion of each chapter contains a summary, questions for review, and suggested readings to reinforce learning. The recommendations and information presented are designed to improve the workplace culture and climate and provide readers with practical suggestions for dealing with workplace issues.
Instructors in educational settings can visit www.efacultylounge.com for additional materials to be used for teaching in the classroom.
Workplace Concepts for Athletic Trainers is a must-have for any athletic training student transitioning into clinical practice or a clinician seeking help for common issues that occur in the workplace.
About the Editors
Contributing Authors
Section I An Overview of the Athletic Training Workplace
Chapter 1 The Athletic Trainer in the Workplace: The Structure and Function of Work Organizations
John T. Parsons, PhD, ATC and Christianne M. Eason, MS, ATC
Chapter 2 Leadership, Management, and Beyond: What to Expect in the Athletic Training Workplace
Matthew R. Kutz, PhD, AT, CSCS, CES
Section II Workplace Issues and Concepts
Chapter 3 Work-Family Conflict and Finding Work-Life Balance
Stephanie M. Mazerolle, PhD, ATC, LAT
Chapter 4 Role Complexities in the Workplace
Kirk Brumels, PhD, AT, ATC
Chapter 5 Workplace Bullying
Stephanie M. Mazerolle, PhD, ATC, LAT; William A. Pitney, EdD, ATC, FNATA; and Celest Weuve, PhD, ATC, CSCS, LAT
Chapter 6 Discrimination in the Athletic Training Workplace
Laura J. Burton, PhD
Chapter 7 Job Burnout in Athletic Training
Stephanie M. Mazerolle, PhD, ATC, LAT
Chapter 8 Job Satisfaction in Athletic Training
Stephanie M. Mazerolle, PhD, ATC, LAT and Ashley Goodman, PhD, LAT, ATC
Chapter 9 Retention, Turnover, and Attrition in Athletic Training
Ashley Goodman, PhD, LAT, ATC
Section III Personal Skills to Foster Success and Commitment in the Workplace
Chapter 10 Role Modeling and Mentoring
Christianne M. Eason, MS, ATC
Chapter 11 Healthy Habits and Choices for Athletic Trainers
Christianne M. Eason, MS, ATC
Chapter 12 Principles of Effective Communication for Athletic Trainers
Stacy E. Walker, PhD, ATC
Chapter 13 Effective Teamwork
Matthew R. Kutz, PhD, AT, CSCS, CES
Chapter 14 Time Management in Athletic Training
Jennifer Doherty-Restrepo, PhD, LAT, ATC
Chapter 15 Emotional Resilience in Athletic Training
William A. Pitney, EdD, ATC, FNATA
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: November, 2015
Pages: 275
Weight: 573g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Sports Medicine