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A Clinician's Guide to Balance and Dizziness
Evaluation and Treatment
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Main description:

With an increasing number of referrals to treat balance impairment, gait disorders, and dizziness, A Clinician's Guide to Balance and Dizziness: Evaluation and Treatment by Dr. Charles M. Plishka looks to address these issues and provides tests, measures, and interventions that are matched to research studies when available, for evidence-based practice. It begins with a review of the anatomy and physiology of the systems used to balance. With a basic understanding of how we balance, the signs and symptoms of patients will be understood with much greater ease.

A Clinician's Guide to Balance and Dizziness enables the reader to perform a complete and thorough evaluation and helps to provide treatment options for identified deficits that place the patient at risk for falls. Along with numerous diagrams and photos, this text comes with access to a web site containing video clips that demonstrate key evaluation and treatment techniques. The result will be a better evaluation, treatment plan, and outcome.

Topics and Features Include:

How do we balance?
Tests to evaluate the balance-impaired patient
Tests and interventions for conditions such as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), Vestibular Loss, and the central and peripheral causes of dizziness
Therapy treatments
"How to" instructions throughout
Companion web site with video clips demonstrating evaluation and treatments

A Clinician's Guide to Balance and Dizziness: Evaluation and Treatment is an easy-to-use reference perfect for professionals who assess and treat balance impairments and dizziness. While it is an instructional text for physical therapy students and clinicians, it is also a great reference for established physicians, vestibular and balance therapy specialists, occupational therapists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, audiologists, and athletic trainers.


About the Author
How to Use This Book

Chapter 1 Balance Systems
Chapter 2 History
Chapter 3 Equipment
Chapter 4 Vestibular Examination and Intervention
Chapter 5 Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
Chapter 6 Vision (Oculomotor) System
Chapter 7 Musculoskeletal and Somatosensory Systems
Chapter 8 Central Processing, Memory, and Cognition
Chapter 9 Evidence-Based Practice
Chapter 10 Medications
Chapter 11 Balance Interventions
Chapter 12 Plan of Care and Examples of Documentation
Chapter 13 Case Study Examples
Chapter 14 Quick Reference



ISBN-13: 9781617110603
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: June, 2015
Pages: 250
Weight: 686g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Counselling & Therapy, Neurology, Occupational Therapy, Otorhinolaryngology (ENT), Physiotherapy, Sports Medicine


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